Once saw a thing for a 20 ton armed gig,tinkered with it for high guard dont have the exact stats but it was 20 tons and had factor 13 armor.Why factor 13 armor,statistically makes it immune to everything smaller than a spinal mount,also it weighed 3.3 ton for the armor and had a small bunk or stateroom for the 2 crew thus making it high endurance and highly survivable.Weapons mix personal choice.I loaded 10-20,000? of these in a 1,000,000 ton wasp class carrierTL15 with a spinal mount.Additionally,the pilots were held in frozenwatch until needed or launched.A transport and assault tank version of the wasp were also available for planetary assault.sorry icdnt be more specific It was 20 yrs ago and id have to dig it out/or redo