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2 new feats about electronic devices and surveillance


I created two new feats for Traveller 20 and other similar games. Any comment welcome, as well as suggestions for new similar feats.


(New feat © 2004, D. Couzet - OGC content)

You know how to escape electronic surveillance.

Prerequisites: Hacker feat, Computer Use skill at 6+ ranks, having a false electronic identity card (or similar item) for the character to be hidden.

Benefit: The hacker must first introduce an appropriate rogue program on the local Transnet (Computer Use DC 20 to 30; 2d4 hours to create; duration before being destroyed is 1d8 days + 1 day per point of skill check above DC). Then, as photos of the character could be taken, the character also needs to be visually unrecognizable (disguised, masked, etc.). As such when the character is spotted doing something illegal by the electronic watch, it is mistaken into believing it is someone else (really existing or not) who did it.

Normal: In futuristic civilized areas, electronic surveillance is everywhere. As such, anytime a character transgresses the law, he can be almost certain that the authorities will know about it, and that he will be accountable for his illegal actions. Since surveillance rely on many information sources and devices, to be disguised or wearing a false electronic identity card is generally not sufficient to escape from the authorities.


(New feat © 2004, D. Couzet - OGC content)

You can create all sorts of false electronic identification devices such as Electronic Identity Cards or Badges.

Prerequisites: Hacker feat, Craft [electronic] skill 4+ ranks, Forgery skill 4+ ranks.

Benefit: The character can create (forgery) any electronic identification device whose prerequisites he meets. Creating such a device takes 1 day and 50 credits for each 5 points of the DC to successfully do it. Such items work as long as the security system they were created to bypass are not changed.

Personally, instead of the CRAFT FALSE ELECTRONIC IDENTITY DEVICES feat, I would simply allow a character to create counterfeit electronic IDs by making a Forgery skill check with synergy bonuses for 5+ ranks in T/Computer and/or T/Electronics.
Personally, instead of the CRAFT FALSE ELECTRONIC IDENTITY DEVICES feat, I would simply allow a character to create counterfeit electronic IDs by making a Forgery skill check with synergy bonuses for 5+ ranks in T/Computer and/or T/Electronics.
This looks as a good idea. No Craft False Electr. ID feat.

Well, just say that creating counterfeited electronic IDs first requires a T/Computer skill check at DC 15 to 25 to write the program, then a T/Electronics check at DC 10 to 20 to create the item, and finally the Forgery check at DC10 to 20. Well, I say this after reading about Forgery skill (that I believed I did know, but not really). Doing it would require 1 day and 50 cr. per 5 points of Forgery DC.

What do you think? What sorts of IDs could exist along a basic Electronic Identity Card, and what could be the DC for doing them (I mean through Forgery) ?