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Your favorite sector


SOC-14 1K
Reavers Deep, pre-rebellion. Its got everything you need for great adventure; Open spaces, Solomani, dirty Imps, Aslan, Caledonian Merchant Princes.

The Solomani Rim is nice as is the Spinward Marches, but they are just a little too confining.
Spinward Ho!

Especially that little corner of the Vilis/Darrian/Sword Worlds/Querion subsectors. Got it all - Imps, Sworld Worlders, Darrians, Aslan, Zhos, Droyne, and the odd Vagr.

Okay - no Hivers, Ithulkur, Solomani, K'kree....but that's 'the other side' as far as I've always known it....

I have to agree. The Marches were always a comfortable place to be because there was enough background info that we felt we had a good handle on the people and culture of the setting. While other sectors were of interest we found that the marches were plenty of territory to get into all sorts of trouble. Guess there's something about a frontier setting that just screams mayhem!
From actual game experience, I'd say Spinward Marches, but I've also done some stuff in Massilia (both in Rebellion and Milieau 0) and liked it too.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
In order of preference:

The Solomani Rim during the Interstellar Wars era; my own Greater Magellanic Clouds setting (non-canon); Ley Sector during M0; Ley Sector during the later Imperium.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phydaux:
Spinward Marches, ~the time of the Fifth Frontier War.

What can I say, I'm a purist.

Right ON!!!!
Regina, my love......

I guess that would be the Spinward Marches! Is there any other?
Spinward Marches!

You've got the dirty Vargr, stinking Zho's, Ancient sites up the waazoo, and you can sprinkle in a Solomani or Hiver or Aslan or K'Kree vacationer/ambassador, etc... and they will be unique. The Zhodani give the area a Cold War feel to the setting. Intrigue, spies, minor skirmishes, scientific expeditions in a disputed system that go bad, etc... And you can always have the characters on a wild goose chase for the Droyne/Ancient homeworld.

I have a love-hate with the Spinward Marches. On the plus side it's got just about everything you could ask for, all right next door to each other (and done that way on purpose). But on the minus, there's been so much detailed in so many different locations that in order to set anything there I feel like I have to spend a week doublechecking sources to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel yet again (yeah, I know I don't HAVE to, but knowing that it's there on my shelf somewhere I'd rather make an informed decision to accept or reject up front than stumble across something months later and think "hey, that's way more interesting than what I did; pity I didn't see it at the time").

I like what I've seen of Reaver's Deep, but my info on it is pretty spotty -- I don't think I even have a map of the whole sector. The same goes for Far Frontiers.

I've recently taken something of a shine to Deneb, which has essentially the same feel as the Aramis-Rhylanor-Mora-Trin's Veil portion of the SW: 'civilized,' and yet close enough to the frontier and recently enough settled to maintain some of the vitality and interest that you don't get in the more stable Core areas. During the Rebellion, with Corridor cut off, it becomes even more interesting.

Solomani Rim has never really piqued my interest, but then I haven't really spent much time with it either (and don't (yet) own GT: Rim of Fire). That said, the Interstellar Wars period is one of the (few) Historial Milieux I'd actually like to see as a game-setting.
I forgot to add as a good sector: Trojan Reach. It has everything that the Spinward Marches has, but has less "canon" development so is a little more open. For a long time, my players were based out of Bendor and/or Berengaria. Trojan Reaches have Aslan, Imperials, Zhodani, Vargr, some Solomani, some other races.

Far Frontiers, nice sector, but perhaps a little too far away from the Imperium.

My non-canon Reavers Deep sector with New Texas, Friedland, Sutekh, Bendor, etc. Wild and wooly, wide open adventure.
IMTU: Anomalous Nebulae
--> You have to love your own child

CTU: The Spinward Marches
--> You have to love the first

[This message has been edited by n2s (edited 22 August 2001).]
Why must I agree with the Murph all the time!

Trojan Reach is ultimate - start from SM 5 Sisters - do the Florian League, over the Imperial border stuff, lots of raw material, Aslan, TL15 Droyne - awesome
Possibly because Great Minds (TM) think alike?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elliot:
Why must I agree with the Murph all the time!

Trojan Reach is ultimate - start from SM 5 Sisters - do the Florian League, over the Imperial border stuff, lots of raw material, Aslan, TL15 Droyne - awesome
I both played and ran games in the Spinward Marches and the Solomani Rim. But heck, in those days that's all there was out.

Until I got the Gateway Quadrant from Judges Guild. Holey moley we had fun there. All the politics of the various independant States and the client states. Pirates to bug the players and no big Imperial mommy to go cryin' to. Different cultures whose social customs were not well documented. Having to go through customs with snotty 3rd world customs officials. Bribery being the way of life in some places. And the possibility of getting chewed out(or worse) by an imperial administrator if you acted like a dipstick and made the Imperium look bad.

Yep, there were some hard-won creds in that quadrant. I remember the players going to Spinward just to vacation there.

But to be honest, my favorites have more to do with what we used and what was available at the time. I snatched up every sector I could get my hands on and was darn glad to have them.
Hmm... favorite sector? I've got a ol' hand-drawn map of the four corners of SM/Gvurrdon/Foreven/{whatever} that we used for an old FFW era campaign, and the "sector" below that - four corners of Foreven/SM/Trojan Reach/Beyond, now that was a good one.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DonM:
Hmm... favorite sector? I've got a ol' hand-drawn map of the four corners of SM/Gvurrdon/Foreven/{whatever} that we used for an old FFW era campaign, and the "sector" below that - four corners of Foreven/SM/Trojan Reach/Beyond, now that was a good one.


That {whatever} is Ziafrplians to the Zhodani and Usingou to the Vargr. I have that map at:


It reverses the political balance seen in just the Marches, with the Consulate holding the majority of the map and the imperium seen peeking into one corner. A really good "sector", yup...

[This message has been edited by GypsyComet (edited 31 August 2001).]