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Writing Submissions and Proposed Product Line

That's a pretty hefty list of proposed titles (over 40 including 4 Quads for each Sector). How often are you planning to release new product? The 'one product a month' schedule at IG was a disaster as it led to pretty much every single release being rushed and unfinished. I'm sure almost all of us would've preferred waiting 2-3 extra months for good (i.e. edited, proofread, and in some cases totally rewritten) products. Not that I'm accusing you guys of sharing IG's level of (un-)professionalism, but I worry about launching something so ambitious right from the start. (Also keep in mind that if SJG keeps up their recent pace of releases we're going to be bombarded with new product, and I'm not sure there's enough of a market to support all of it; at least not yet).

Diplomacy and Statecraft seems to be missing from your career-oriented-books list. You're probably mentally sticking it together with Nobles, but I think the scope is different enough to merit a separate product (so long as I don't have to write it!).

One of my suggestions in the old T^5 product line thread was to make all boardgames 'dual format,' including pieces to play on a table, but also software to play both solitaire and online via computer. However, ISTR reading somewhere (here, surely) that the OGL specifically forbids d20-based computer games without a separate (and expensive) license, so I guess that idea's right out.

"LBB" adventures, eh? If you're saying LBB you'd better mean LBB; teasing us old-timers with those letters would just be cruel.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by T. Foster:
That's a pretty hefty list of proposed titles (over 40 including 4 Quads for each Sector). How often are you planning to release new product? The 'one product a month' schedule at IG was a disaster as it led to pretty much every single release being rushed and unfinished. I'm sure almost all of us would've preferred waiting 2-3 extra months for good (i.e. edited, proofread, and in some cases totally rewritten) products. Not that I'm accusing you guys of sharing IG's level of (un-)professionalism, but I worry about launching something so ambitious right from the start. (Also keep in mind that if SJG keeps up their recent pace of releases we're going to be bombarded with new product, and I'm not sure there's enough of a market to support all of it; at least not yet).

Heh, no we aren't nuts that is a wish list of title ideas we'd like to see done that prospective authors might be interested in working on. It does NOT represent a proposed release schedule!

To start with we are looking at a modest beginning of once every 2-3 months with the hope of *eventually* ramping up to a monthly release schedule.

Diplomacy and Statecraft seems to be missing from your career-oriented-books list. You're probably mentally sticking it together with Nobles, but I think the scope is different enough to merit a separate product (so long as I don't have to write it!).

It is not listed because we have a possible submission from an author on the topic

One of my suggestions in the old T^5 product line thread was to make all boardgames 'dual format,' including pieces to play on a table, but also software to play both solitaire and online via computer. However, ISTR reading somewhere (here, surely) that the OGL specifically forbids d20-based computer games without a separate (and expensive) license, so I guess that idea's right out.

Well we already have a Traveller software product, GRIP: Traveller, and plan to work on it to make it completely compatible with T20.

As far as the d20 license goes you are correct we cannot make a d20 software product, but we can make a T20 software product using the T20 logo rather than the d20 logo...

"LBB" adventures, eh? If you're saying LBB you'd better mean LBB; teasing us old-timers with those letters would just be cruel.

Its an idea. I am not promising that it will be done, but it is a format we are considering. One caveat, they would have artwork on the covers rather than the old stripe on black format.

BTW, include me in that 'us old-timers' phrase
While I may be the new Traveller publisher on the block, I have been playing the game since 79.


[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 09 October 2001).]
Its an exciting list, but I have one question. When T20 was announced I got the idea that all products would be dual use for both T20 and CT. Will this be the case?

Hoping the answer it yes,

Rob Whiting

Traveller, if you go to Sparta, tell them you have seen us lying here as the law commands.
Hunter, awesome product line (lots of things that any version of Traveller always needed)-
Very pleased to see you read and acknowledge the suggestions on these boards

When can I buy?????
Hi Hunter,
The proposed line looks fine, I hope it will do well in the market. Can you tell us if the core book will be hardcover? I too would like to know if CT stats will be also available.
* Core rulebook will be hardcover

* We are planning CT stats in adventures

* You can start buying once we release T20 in November

Hope those answer the current crop of questiosn!

Surface Action

In the Line of Fire - Army, Mercenaries

In addition to these two, hopefully we might get to see a Wet Navy supplement. As the whole realm of water has largely been neglected save for the those technical MT articles in Challenge. It would be great to get tactics and sub wars as once Marc envisioned a successor volume to COACC to have been.

Traveller has so many worlds where it is a water world, it would be great to see these locales more fully explored.
Half my adventures take place underwater, so yes, a Wet Navy book sounds good to me.