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Ancient - Absent Friend
I had the printer FedEx me a box of T20 so we could get our hands on a few copies ASAP and they just arrived this morning.

WOW! The book looks even better than I thought it could! It's got a great tight binding that keeps the book at just an inch thick, actually thinner than some books with a lower page count. The cover is very striking and should do a great job at catching the eye when it sits in the store. Even the spine is quite 'noticable' should the books be placed on the shelf with the spine outward.

I can't much more than I am incredibly pleased with the print job Transcontinental did on the book.

Note, we still don't have the main shipment in so we haven't started processing orders yet but it shouldn't be long now!

Way to go!!!!!

Boy, am I looking forward to seeing this marvellous piece of work. Kudos to the team.
Awesome! Can't wait to see it.

The cover art really caught my attention when I first discovered your website a couple months ago. Fine job by the artist. Hopefully you can hire the same guy to do some of the other covers. Superb work.
Outstanding! So when will we see the party pictures? ;) I would even consider sending plane fare to have you be able to get me mine this week... Seriously, Can't wait to see it! Great job to the entire team!
Start ringing the bells and have Pavlov tell the Vargr to start salivating! I can hear dice a-rollin already!
Well you all think you got it bad..i get a call this morning from Hunter to TEASE me about it...grin.
All in good nature, of course!

So I grilled him on all the particulars...

So, hopefully i'll have my copy tomorrow or the next day...

I think he did the happy dance...

And I'm not sure you'd want to see me do the happy dance...

The Man Behind the Curtain
I just popped out to my FLGS, and had a chat with the owner. He's getting several copies of T20 in next week, he hopes. Although I have pre-ordered already through this site, I've asked him to keep me a copy too, to hedge my bets :)

Actually, the second copy will be for the rest of the group. I'm a generous GM.
Originally posted by Stephen Herron:
I just popped out to my FLGS, and had a chat with the owner. He's getting several copies of T20 in next week, he hopes. Although I have pre-ordered already through this site, I've asked him to keep me a copy too, to hedge my bets :)

Actually, the second copy will be for the rest of the group. I'm a generous GM.
I going to check with my FLGS to see if thier home office is ordering.

Like you I'm planning of getting two copies, one for me and the other as a gift.
Originally posted by Stephen Herron:
I just popped out to my FLGS, and had a chat with the owner. He's getting several copies of T20 in next week, he hopes. Although I have pre-ordered already through this site, I've asked him to keep me a copy too, to hedge my bets :)

Actually, the second copy will be for the rest of the group. I'm a generous GM.
I am doing the same thing - hedging bets and providing for the group.

Unfortunately, the owner of my FLGS said, "Well, I'll get one for you, but probably no more than that as I don't know how many folks will be interested - I can't move the reprint or GURPS stuff - how will this be any different"

I did spend 5 minutes with him persuading him that the reaction would be different, but it was a hard sell - I doubt he'll get more than 2 or 3 extras.

Maybe we should all go out and buy up whatever copies we find, help drive the 'DEMAND' up for the books so that they buy more form the Distributors.
Originally posted by hunter:
I had the printer FedEx me a box of T20 so we could get our hands on a few copies ASAP and they just arrived this morning.

WOW! The book looks even better than I thought it could! It's got a great tight binding that keeps the book at just an inch thick, actually thinner than some books with a lower page count. The cover is very striking and should do a great job at catching the eye when it sits in the store. Even the spine is quite 'noticable' should the books be placed on the shelf with the spine outward.
So why don't you use the tools of the modern age of digital photography and take a few views of the book and post em on the site. Nothing like visuals to really tease and audience.

If nothing else I could present the pics to my group as proof that the books are indeed real and on the way.

Hard to believe that with covers and 464 pages that the books is only 1 inch thick - I must admit I was expecting something rather tome-like (similar to the 5th edition Hero Rulesbook).
Mark off last three days from calendar...Oh? They're inbound! Start a bonfire ya can see from Spaaaace! Sorry--had a Cap'n Morgan moment here...

Have dice will Travel (l)!!!! :D
Some of you a very lucky who have a hobby shop that will carry RPG's as the one in my city will only order when requested for 1 hence if you have any RPG product you want you have to wait for the order to come in because he had to many problems with little shoplifters.

Edit:if we got the address info wrong (as in left something out) will you e-mail us (I corrected my address issue I just want to make sure I get my pre-order I ordered under sch------35@<blank>.com I appolagize I'm just super paranoid the book even with the discount is a lot of money)
That sucks, dude. Our local stores are pretty good, there doesn't seem to be a major shoplifting problem, at least not for RPG's. I image MK, Heroclix etc get hammered pretty bad all over though.

How would you possibly hide a copy of the inch think T20 handbook anyway?!!!

That's probably the best anti-theft system available. Big heavy thick rulebooks.
I think the KEY word here is "hobby" store.
A hobby store is one that caters to models and rc thingies and trains and stuff like that.

A GAME store is just that...a GAME store.

MY local GAME store, Horizon games, is a full game store. No one calls it a "hobby" store.

Now, in the ancient past, "hobby" stores were where you went to get your game stuff, but they are much more specialized now.

I understand being paranoid, you will get your book with bells on!! [no real bells, can't promise that, but heck, it sounds good]

So, the key is..find a GAME store...not a 'hobby' store.

The Man Behind the Curtain
That sucks, dude. Our local stores are pretty good, there doesn't seem to be a major shoplifting problem, at least not for RPG's. I image MK, Heroclix etc get hammered pretty bad all over though.

How would you possibly hide a copy of the inch think T20 handbook anyway?!!!

That's probably the best anti-theft system available. Big heavy thick rulebooks.
That is why I goto Barnes And Noble or Hastings I'm very lucky to have those to retail chains nearby and both sell RPG's oh yes and and according to hunter it isnt as thick as it would have been had they used a cheaper binding (good for us bad for anti theft purposes :D )

I think the KEY word here is "hobby" store.
A hobby store is one that caters to models and rc thingies and trains and stuff like that.

A GAME store is just that...a GAME store.

MY local GAME store, Horizon games, is a full game store. No one calls it a "hobby" store.

Now, in the ancient past, "hobby" stores were where you went to get your game stuff, but they are much more specialized now.
I think I will do some searching
however for now I have to settle with Hastings and Barns&Noble
oh and for me the ancient past wasnt so long ago I believe I was in junior high then uh how time flies

So, the key is..find a GAME store...not a 'hobby' store.
I will be looking their isnt one in my city probably but their might be some in a bigger city near by
Shoplifting. Always someone who thinks the rules don't apply to them. Always costs the rest of us though.

Hunter & Company; Outstanding. I look forward to getting my copy before too much longer. Well done gentlemen.
