Ganidirsii O'Flynn
After reading 'Havoc's "Some People Don't Get Traveller" thread, I had to ask:
IYHO, What is the worst sci-fi game ever published and why.
(Note to students: This is an essay question and grades will be awarded based on the ability to defend your point and the use of complete sentances.)
I confess to having a split decision in my judgement. Morrow Project was pretty awful. Still, taken in the context of the times, and taking into consideration the state of game design at the time, I suppose it could be called a fair to good idea with truely awful execution. And I confess to having a fair mount of fun in Littleton...
No, my all time worst Sci-Fi RPG would have to be RIFTS
. Implausably ignorant, monumentally stupid, RIFTS chose not to rise to the mediocre heights of Paranoia. Vehicles designs that have no design (beyond gun tubes per square meter), characters that were so munchkin'ed up that SJG hasn't made cards for them yet (ala the Munchkin Card Game), plots that could only be derived by adolescent boys with no socialization beyond PS2, RIFTS has it all (if having it all is like having icing with no cake). What is hysterical is that there are VARIANTS to RIFTS. I mean really, what else could they do but add the Aftermath! combat rules to it???
So, gas up your Juicer-Borg GlitterBoy, fellahs! Kevin Siembieda's comin' down the Ley Line with a new batch of Coalition Crack!
IYHO, What is the worst sci-fi game ever published and why.
(Note to students: This is an essay question and grades will be awarded based on the ability to defend your point and the use of complete sentances.)
I confess to having a split decision in my judgement. Morrow Project was pretty awful. Still, taken in the context of the times, and taking into consideration the state of game design at the time, I suppose it could be called a fair to good idea with truely awful execution. And I confess to having a fair mount of fun in Littleton...
No, my all time worst Sci-Fi RPG would have to be RIFTS
So, gas up your Juicer-Borg GlitterBoy, fellahs! Kevin Siembieda's comin' down the Ley Line with a new batch of Coalition Crack!