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World trade balance

could somone please explane how the trade calc on page 379 works - make it slow and detailed i'v tryed for months to work out how it works.

Dont caracters get a feat every level except when they get a stat increase ie at 1st,3rd,6th,9th level (character not class)the player gets a base feat.
Depending on the class, But not realy because all classes get them at the same level, the player gets a bonus feat at 2nd,5th,7th,10th level.
This leaves 4th,8th,level free (you get a stat bonus).
So for those min/max players you could have 5 bonus feats and all the starting feats for five classes (10th) or single class (four bonus feats and one starting class feats).
If you pick the right classes you can get a better killing and surviving machine bye multiclassing to 2nd level than by going 10th level in one class.

Stands back and waits for the computer to explode (see thread (how to make a naval officer)).
If the players want to min/max let them its their game and most players min/max for combat and you are the hand behind the enemys guns how hard is it to shoot to wound not to kill after being almost killed several times even the most thick headed player will get the idea and if they dont kill their character.
Small aside.
i dm Vampire for 11 years continualy every weekend and yes i had the manditary gangrul and brudeharhar (killing machines for those who dont know) after the 10th ambush they stopped being gung ho iguanus and started to think) thats when the party got dangerous, it was dangerous before that but its very hard to take someone seriously when they are staked to the roof 10min to dawn.
Now back to the real reason for this thread.
Could someone answer the first question FULLY, and just a yes or no for the second (exspects several pages of semiflammable prose).
The blood should burn if it dosnt then we may aswell watch the grass grow, do we not play for the thrill and excitment of a good argument if not with the GM then the other players or even the Nonplayer characters.
One of my players was having an argument with his brother and he decided in the game he was going to blow up their ship (he was the engineer) so he placed a rather large thermite bomb in the stateroom of his brother (right next to the liquide Hydrogen fuel tanks, his brother came home with the rest of the crew (the other players) and he whent to the galley the rest of the crew whent to bed they all walked past the open door of the bomb laiden room saw the bomb and ignored it (the DM wont let him blow us up) only one of the group stopped and examined the bomb (the only one with no idea how to disarm it) he left last seen headed in the general direction of AWAY on an airaft, he survived the rest didant (stupidity kills).YES even the bomber didnt think i would let him kill them so he was sitting on his bed across the corridor from the bomb with the door open.
Enjoyment is the only rule and it should be manditory.
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
could somone please explane how the trade calc on page 379 works - make it slow and detailed i'v tryed for months to work out how it works.
Sorry, cannot help you there, but will help you for the rest.

Dont caracters get a feat every level except when they get a stat increase ie at 1st,3rd,6th,9th level (character not class)the player gets a base feat.
You have to check up *TWO* different tables. First, it's the Character Level table who indicates to you when a character can have a *GENERIC* feat. That is a feat for which the character is qualified, but not necessarily a feat which is part of the Character's "Class Feat". For this particular feat, the character *CANNOT* choose a "restricted feat", a feat which is restricted to a particular class (ie: Linguist, Jack of All Trades, Tactics I, etc...)

THEN, you have to check up on the Class Level table to check up when the character gains a "CLASS" feat. This is a feat which *IS* on the "Class Feat" list. If the character already has *ALL* those feats (which is very improbable) then he could choose any other feats for which the character is qualified.

So for those min/max players you could have 5 bonus feats and all the starting feats for five classes (10th) or single class (four bonus feats and one starting class feats).
If you pick the right classes you can get a better killing and surviving machine bye multiclassing to 2nd level than by going 10th level in one class.
You'll get a very broad-skilled character, but even if you add-up all the BAB/Fort/Will/Reflex bonus for each classes, you'll find that you often come up very low if you do that kind of Over-Multiclassing. Sure, you'll have truckloads of feats (even tho many repeats themselves, look at Army/Marines/Scouts/Navy/Merc) but you'll be paying for that: You'll have many low ranking skills, since from class to class your Class Skills changes every so often and many times, you'll have to pay double skill points if you want some skills at a "decent" 10th level rank (if you're a 10th level character that is...)

Stands back and waits for the computer to explode (see thread (how to make a naval officer)).
If the players want to min/max let them its their game and most players min/max for combat and you are the hand behind the enemys guns how hard is it to shoot to wound not to kill after being almost killed several times even the most thick headed player will get the idea and if they dont kill their character.
In T20, Death comes Quick and with Surprise for the MinMaxers of D&D

That and the fact that the most combat oriented class have nearly "no" skill points (2/lvl for the marines) compared to those who balance battle and skills (6/lvl for navy), that makes for very poor problem solvers if they all do Killing Machines. You only can solve problems with guns for so long before being the problem of others...

[...] and he whent to the galley the rest of the crew whent to bed they all walked past the open door of the bomb laiden room saw the bomb and ignored it (the DM wont let him blow us up) only one of the group stopped and examined the bomb (the only one with no idea how to disarm it) he left last seen headed in the general direction of AWAY on an airaft, he survived the rest didant (stupidity kills).
You've summarized it pretty well "Stupidity Kills". Myself, I wouldn't have blown their ship IF they'd try to disearm/get rid of the bomb and took it seriously. But hell, if they'd just ignore it, make fun of it and say "he won't blow us up", I might just say that that particular phrase was the trigger word the bomber had chosen.

When players keeps saying the GM will not kill them is generally the time when at least a PC dies.
If they all count on their GM for not killing them, they need to get their OWN self assurance by being blown up.

The next time they'll roleplay, not pray the GM will help them.

If they start shouting on why you let them die, just reply that one has made a bomb, activated it and nobody's disarmed it so it blew up. You don't have to modify the laws of physics just to please them, they just have to be logical and don't make bombs if they don't intend them to blow up.

Now, if the character making the bomb had informed you it only LOOKED like a bomb, that would be different. But then, none of them would've learned anything
They did learn now they listen very carefuly to my descriptions and check everything.
In D&D saving throws from multiclassing add together so you can get a more even range. I assume the same thing happens in T20.
The BAB in T20 are low for all classes that are not combat oriented so multiclassing dosn't make that much difference.
You would only have low skill scores for class specifice skills any generic skill would still be as high as you want.
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
could somone please explane how the trade calc on page 379 works - make it slow and detailed i'v tryed for months to work out how it works.
1) Take the Natural Resources score for the world (determined on page 376 under Step 6 - Natural Resources), and substract the world's Population UWP digit.

So if your world had a NR score of say 7 and a Population UWP of 5 you would have 7-5=2.

2) Apply the modifier for the world's Tech Level.

So if your world had a TL of 12 you would add +1. Thus 2+1=3

3) Apply the Starport modifier based on the world's Starport class.

Your world has say a Class B starport so you would add again +1. Thus 3+1=4

4) Add any modifier for the world's Trade Classifications.

If for example your world was Agricultural, you would add another +1. So 4+1=5

5) Add the Law Level modifier for the world

With a Law Level of 9, you would subtract -1 from the running total. 5-1=4

6) Finally add any modifier based on the Government type for the world.

An Oligarchy for example would be a -1 modifier to the total. 4-1=3.

Thus in this example the WTB for the world is 3.

Does that make sense?

Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:

Stands back and waits for the computer to explode (see thread (how to make a naval officer)).

I really should have checked out this post sooner.

Good one sir, but do tell what was your part in that one? Or did you mean a different Creating a Navy Officer thread?
Originally posted by far-trader:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:

Stands back and waits for the computer to explode (see thread (how to make a naval officer)).

I really should have checked out this post sooner.

Good one sir, but do tell what was your part in that one? Or did you mean a different Creating a Navy Officer thread?
Yes i meant that one (the one in thes section).
No i had nothing to do with the coments but like i said if your not passionate about any game why are you playing it, but remember its ONLY a game.
The Baron does get animated dont he.
Letts face it if totaly unknown strangers cant yell at you who can tehe hohohoho. If they arnt stranger then they probably yell at you normally (just in case some people know each other as appears to be the case from some of the messages).
Hunter your a truly wounderful person and your bloods worth bottling and if you go to the red cross they will (in australia its donated blood that is).
<psionics sound effect>
Resurrect Dead Thread
</psionics sound effect>

Well, I'm glad I found this topic, because I have numerous questions.

For some reason, I managed to scan right over Step 6 several times while looking for where to find where the Natural Resources Score (NRS) was created. Thank you, Hunter, for pointing it out to a poor blind man.

Now, I don't have any questions about the way the WTB (p. 379) is calculated, it is clear to me.

1)What isn't clear is where this is used, if anywhere. Is the WTB number plugged into anything? (Like, maybe, adding the WTB number to cargo and passenger availability rolls?)

2)Is the NRS plugged into anything but the WTB?

3)Why don't the UWP values for the Gateway to Destiny list the NRS of each world?

4)What is the chart at the bottom of p. 379 used for?

5)Would any GT experts here who have T20 as well care to speculate on how the NRS or WTB would affect a world's GWP?
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This was one of many aspects of the game last night. I didn't have any problem working out the World Trade Bonus or the Natural Resources Score but I couldn't really see how it was tied into the rest of the system data. The one part is dependant on the other but the NRS (if I remember correctly) is merely determined by rolling 2D6 (well that's the gist of it).
Originally posted by Darth Phil:
This was one of many aspects of the game last night. I didn't have any problem working out the World Trade Bonus or the Natural Resources Score but I couldn't really see how it was tied into the rest of the system data. The one part is dependant on the other but the NRS (if I remember correctly) is merely determined by rolling 2D6 (well that's the gist of it).
Take a look at my own trade classifications system, which basically replaces WTB and NRS. (The latest version is on page 2 of that thread)