Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Just curious.
Some Traveller players continually jump to the newest edition, preferring not to play a "dead" game. Others, like myself, are married to a particular rules set that they like and are comfortable.
Armed with what you know right now about T5, will you make the jump? Or, do you plan on continuing with your current game mechanics (because we're talking about mechanics--the OTU is the same).
I will probably stay with Classic Traveller. I've got the system down pat. I like it. And, I've perfected it to suit my own tastes.
That's based on what I know now of T5--on what I've seen or heard of it. I haven't been impressed enough with what's leaked through to get excited about a new edition of Traveller.
Will I buy some T5 supplements? Maybe. Depends on how compatible they are with CT.
On the other hand, let me say this: I'm keeping an open mind. I want nothing more than to pick up T5 the first time I lay eyes on it and be totally blown away.
So, is there a 100% chance I'll stick with CT? Nope. Not at all. If what I see in T5 is better (and only I can be the judge of that), then you bet. I'll make the leap. I'll convert my whole CT campaign over to T5.
But, that level of quality has got to be there. It's got to be better than "good". Because, what I've got now is pretty doggone good. T5's got to be "excellent" in order for me to think the move in effort and money is worth it.
If T5 delivers, though, I'll do it.
If it doesn't, I'm stickin' with CT.
What about you? What's your expectation of T5?
Are you already expecting to make the leap?
Are you, like me, taking a wait-and-see approach?
Or, will you not even consider taking the leap?
Some Traveller players continually jump to the newest edition, preferring not to play a "dead" game. Others, like myself, are married to a particular rules set that they like and are comfortable.
Armed with what you know right now about T5, will you make the jump? Or, do you plan on continuing with your current game mechanics (because we're talking about mechanics--the OTU is the same).
I will probably stay with Classic Traveller. I've got the system down pat. I like it. And, I've perfected it to suit my own tastes.
That's based on what I know now of T5--on what I've seen or heard of it. I haven't been impressed enough with what's leaked through to get excited about a new edition of Traveller.
Will I buy some T5 supplements? Maybe. Depends on how compatible they are with CT.
On the other hand, let me say this: I'm keeping an open mind. I want nothing more than to pick up T5 the first time I lay eyes on it and be totally blown away.
So, is there a 100% chance I'll stick with CT? Nope. Not at all. If what I see in T5 is better (and only I can be the judge of that), then you bet. I'll make the leap. I'll convert my whole CT campaign over to T5.
But, that level of quality has got to be there. It's got to be better than "good". Because, what I've got now is pretty doggone good. T5's got to be "excellent" in order for me to think the move in effort and money is worth it.
If T5 delivers, though, I'll do it.
If it doesn't, I'm stickin' with CT.
What about you? What's your expectation of T5?
Are you already expecting to make the leap?
Are you, like me, taking a wait-and-see approach?
Or, will you not even consider taking the leap?