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Why is it so hard to be a merchant?


One of my players noticed this during character generation the other day, and it seemed rather odd to me.

According to the merchant class description, the only way to multiclass into the merchants during character generation is to take the merchant profession in prior history.

According to the prior history rules, the only way to serve a term in a non-service profession (which merchant happens to be) is to have a previous level in the corresponding class.

So, the only ways to be a merchant in prior history are:
1. Start as one
2. Go to university, take OTC as a merchant

Am I reading the rules right? Anyone else have a different take on them? Anyone else read them that way, then apply some house rules to fix the problem?
Yep, we noticed that one too.
I am sure you are reading it right.

Its also a big weird how you spend 5 years playing as a mercenary, but can't take any mercenary levels unless you were in the Mercs/Services previously....

ho hum
It seems to be the Traveller Curse...poor editing and rules that almost work.

Sad really, cause it's my favorite game.

My wheels were already turning on some house rules to fix this (The Merchant problem, not the Traveller Curse), but I'll shift them into a higher gear now.
Originally posted by pftmadness:
Yep, we noticed that one too.
I am sure you are reading it right.

Its also a big weird how you spend 5 years playing as a mercenary, but can't take any mercenary levels unless you were in the Mercs/Services previously....

ho hum
One thing to consider is that the Mercs multi-class requirments indicates that one must have a term of prior history in the services (to be specific, Army, Navy or Marines, Scouts is absent from the description) to multi-class in them. Says nothing about mustering out from said class, so I have been reading that to mean that one can take levels in Merc as let's say an Army trooper or a Navy character after one has a full term in one or the other.

Maybe not a huge benefit, but for one wanting to make the Imperial Navy version of a SEAL or some other Spec Ops Forces unit, this might be a way to do it since a prestige class based on Spec Ops Forces wasn't included (and IMHO should have been)

As an aside, I've been kicking around allowing Scouts to be included in the list of services classes for Merc multi-class consideration as a house rule, as a way of simulating their security forces (one or two levels in Merc) and S-3 Spec Ops Forces (many levels in Merc).

To be honest, I wouldn't bother with a Marine while still in Marine prior history, unless I just had to have a Merc class feat, they are otherwise way too similar, IMHO.

Also, Merchant is more open then what you think, again if you consider that one needs experience on a working starship of any sort to take Merchant class. So, someone still in Belter prior history, Scout Prior History, Navy and possibly Marine prior history can take Merchant without mustering out for instance. Other classes might be able to also, at least upon leaving prior history. A character who leaves one prior history, musters out with a ship, then is considering a second prior history I might let do so, if the ship has at least adequate cargo space...even a Noble doesn't muster out with enough starting cash to pay for that Yacht, for instance.

Anyway, I think I'm not braking any rules with what I stated, if someone who was involved in the game development reads this and knows I'm wrong, please correct me.
Originally posted by Vanguard:

According to the merchant class description, the only way to multiclass into the merchants during character generation is to take the merchant profession in prior history.
"...or must be an active crewmember of a working starship of any type." (T20, page 49.)

According to the prior history rules, the only way to serve a term in a non-service profession (which merchant happens to be) is to have a previous level in the corresponding class.

So, the only ways to be a merchant in prior history are:
1. Start as one
2. Go to university, take OTC as a merchant

Am I reading the rules right? Anyone else have a different take on them? Anyone else read them that way, then apply some house rules to fix the problem?
I can see how that statement can be interpreted in many ways.

If you want to start off as a merchant class, then simply take that class as your first character level. In fact, the best way to create your 1st-level character is first follow the character creation rules, then apply Prior History. That way you already have 1 level in the merchant class.

There are a few threads regarding Prior History, Advancement, and Multiclassing, posted by DrSkull. He can help you out.
I guess the misunderstanding comes from the term "Working Starship." What exactly is that supposed to mean?

"Working" as opposed to "Broken"?
"Working" as opposed to "military"?

I took it to mean the latter...that in order to be a merchant, you had to be working on a ship involved in commerce (free trader, liner, whatever) as opposed to a ship which is paid for by other means (military, scout, yacht, etc).

Interpreting the rules this way (unless you just assume that during a particular term a character is working on a "working" ship) there is no way to get to the merchant class or profession without either starting there or attending university and OTC.

My fix for this would be to change the multiclass requirements for merchant to: "To multiclass into the Merchant class a character must be actively working as a merchant in prior history or must have the Connection: Merchants feat, the Barter feat, or both Trader 4+ and Broker 4+"

There's no need for a fix.

If you want to be a merchant, you have to serve a term in prior history. In other words, the only way to be a merhcant is to work as one. You can't take levels as a merchant until you've served at least for a time aboard a merhcant ship (or in the profession in some way), and after chancter generation you can only take levels as a merchant in play if you're working in the field. Your typical "free trader" campaign is fine for this.
BThat could have been clearer. I'll try again.

PLayer says "I want to be a merchant. I'll enter merchant service. I serve a term as a merchant, working abaord free traders and around the starport"

Chaarcter can start gaining levels as a merchant using XP gained during that term of service.

The service restrictions are mainly to stop people saying "I was gunner aboard a merchant ship. I'm taking levels in marine and Navy..."
Martin, it does however say that you cannot enter a non-service career unless you already have a level in the corresponding class. So, if you don't start out as a first level Merchant, you cannot enter the Merchant service.

In Prior History, The only work around is for the GM to say that time spent in the Traveller or Professional services might involve working on a merchant starship, so EXP in that service term allows levelling in the Merchant class, which would then allow joining the merchant service the next term.

In play, of course, as long as the player is on a merchant vessel, gaining levels in Merchant Class is no problem.
Working starship means one that is used in an attempt to make money -- i.e. commercial. Working doesn't mean military and it doesn't mean personal (per se).

So, "working" even if the ship never breaks even and loses money it's "job" is to carry cargo and/or passengers and make money that way.

At least, that's the way I see it....
Oh -- and I interpret the rules that you can only take levels in a Service if you are *in* the service. And, according to my memory of the rules, service means army, marines, navy, scouts and merchants.
Originally posted by Big Tim:
Oh -- and I interpret the rules that you can only take levels in a Service if you are *in* the service. And, according to my memory of the rules, service means army, marines, navy, scouts and merchants.
Merchamt is a Core class, not a Service class.

Correct me if I am wrong, the only restrictions in prior history about taking levels are.

1. Having the minimum requirements for the class.

2. For service classes being in that service in prior history. One exception scouts can always take levels in scouts.

The rules do not mention you can not take levels in a different core class while serving a term in prior history. IE how would you make a navy doctor? The doctor background comes from academic, so I go to College, Masters, PhD (Md). I took my first level in Navy so I can enter Navy, or do OTC in college. Levels earned in college can be academic. Now I spend 5 terms in navy, I can not really become a better doctor by only taking levels in Navy service, so I split them between navy and academic. End up with around a Navy 2/ Academic 6. Makes sense and fits the rules.
My rulings have come down to a house rule is you have to have a good reason to take a level in such and such to take a level in it during prior history, but the rules do not say you have to take the level in the class that you spending a current term in.
