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Who is the Emperor of the 993 Imperium?


SOC-14 1K
I just wondered if anyone bothered to role up the Emperor of the Third Imperium? What class and what level would he be? Does he stay at home or does he travel around? If he visited the Gateway Domain, what would the PCs see if he was passing through a system they were in?
Emperor Gavin (born in 946, so is 47 years old). Will die in 1031 of natural causes. Son of Emperor Styryx, who abdicated in 989 in favour of his son (Gavin) after the mis-managed Third Frontier War. Styryx's policies are the one that started the Solomani Rim War, Gavin just inherited it.

Source: CT Supplement 8 - Library Data A-M.

May be more stuff elsewhere but not got it handy right now.

Thanks. Gavin is 47 years old you say? That gives me an idea about what level character he may be. It appears he served for 7 terms. My guess is his class would be noble. To determine his level assume he successfully completes 7 terms of the Noble class for his prior history and see how many experience points he rolls up and that will decide what level he is. He could be a potential patron encounter if the PCs ever encounter him.
Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
Thanks. Gavin is 47 years old you say? That gives me an idea about what level character he may be. It appears he served for 7 terms. My guess is his class would be noble. To determine his level assume he successfully completes 7 terms of the Noble class for his prior history and see how many experience points he rolls up and that will decide what level he is. He could be a potential patron encounter if the PCs ever encounter him.
Yes the Emperor may have 7 terms of Noble but wouldnt he have served at least one term in the Navy (British royalty do) He may have spent some time as an Academic to (interested in the Imperium he may rule one day).
Don't forget - as the Emperor he's going to be accumulating a LOT of experience points.. and you already know his SOC if you care to go look ;)

I'd agree with Lionel - a term or two of Navy, maybe a few levels of academic and then load on the Noble levels... he's been accumulating noble XP since birth. You probably wouldn't want to run him throughh the regular past history sequence (except maybe for laughs) because he's the most important NPC in the setting.

3I Emperors don't generally travel unless there's a good reason to... but Strephon sure seemed to get around. I doubt you'd ever find Gavin on the Solomani front supervising things like Marcus Aurelius in Gladiator - but he might be inclined to a grand tour at sometime in his reign. In 993 he's only been on the Iridium throne for 4 years at this point so he's probably still settling into the job.

just my cr0.02
And the only other 'canon' info I can find on Gavin says he commissioned the Second Survey (of all Imperial space) in 990.

3I Emperors don't generally travel unless there's a good reason to... but Strephon sure seemed to get around. I doubt you'd ever find Gavin on the Solomani front supervising things like Marcus Aurelius in Gladiator - but he might be inclined to a grand tour at sometime in his reign. In 993 he's only been on the Iridium throne for 4 years at this point so he's probably still settling into the job.
If he did travel though, he may want to appoint a temporary regent on the throne while he has left the capital. The Capital is centrally located in the Imperium. If he moves to the Fringe or Gateway, their will be a greater time delay on information comming to him that needs to be acted upon. Though it seems unlikely that PCs will ever travel to the Capitol, and if they do, it is even unlikelier they'll ever get an audience with the emperor unless they are high level characters who recently accomplished something of major political importance. Since the Emperor might try to travel incognito, that's the easiest way for the Referee to introduce the Emperor to the PCs, he'll need a very good disguise since everyone in the Imperium will know what he looks like.
Would be harder to conceal his social manners/standing and general attitude than his personnal appearance, since I really doubt that everyone care enough about the imperium to recognize him at first glance.

"Hey, doesn`t that guy over there looks like the emperor?

- Dunno, haven't seen him yet, I don't follow Interstellar Politic that much

- Look, I've got a photo of him on my handcomp

- Well, yeah, he looks kindof like him... but so does my stepfather

- Oh well.. there`s bound to be some look-alike in the Imperium"
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
Yes the Emperor may have 7 terms of Noble but wouldnt he have served at least one term in the Navy (British royalty do) He may have spent some time as an Academic to (interested in the Imperium he may rule one day).
Yes, if Prince Charles is a model, then young Gavin might have spent his first four years at a prestigious university (load up that K/Imperial History!), then a term or two in the Navy - commission and promotion automatic of course ;) He'd have a period commanding a small vessel (Charles had a minesweeper) with an experienced executive officer to stop him from doing anything Really Stupid. Then back to a straight Noble for the rest.

Any younger sons might make a more genuine career of the Navy - like Prince Andrew - or turn out to be arrogant, talentless, scrounging twits, like the obnoxious Edward...
One of his 7 terms would have to be in the navy, and the other 6 as a noble, he may be the Emperor, but he was born a Noble just like all the other hereditary Nobles. I guess the question is just what sort of Emperor he is. He could be like Richard III of England, or he could simply administer the empire, also he might have children that are into adventuring.
Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
I guess the question is just what sort of Emperor he is. He could be like Richard III of England,
A good ruler, an able administrator, and a noble, caring, family man?
