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White Dwarf hit locations

Does anyone remember an OLD white dwarf magazine issue that had hit locations for traveller?

It was a 2 page spread, with a detailed hit location chart, damage modifiers and medical attention stuff. it told you if there were broken bones or other vitals.

I would love to get a photocopy of the 2 pages.
I think JTAS also published a hit location chart, but I can't remember the issue. It was one of the later magazine sized issues that had medicine as one of its features.
Or perhaps it was the one in Traveller's Digest? I have copies somewhere and once my scanner is up and running. Drop me an email. Just what DPI would you like it? Chances are scanning an entire page will create a monster file.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ronaldo1:
Does anyone remember an OLD white dwarf magazine issue that had hit locations for traveller?

It was a 2 page spread, with a detailed hit location chart, damage modifiers and medical attention stuff. it told you if there were broken bones or other vitals.

I would love to get a photocopy of the 2 pages.

I'll copy it today. Drop me your snail mail address to
"paul dot bendall at saab dot com" and I can send them out.
As a player I hated this system as it was too realistic. Not a problem in itself, but our ref at the time had us getting into loads of firefights.....


[This message has been edited by Takei (edited 05 March 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutCadet469:
Hey Paul,

Is there any way I could get a copy of those pages from White Dwarf?



Send me a mail to the address given in my previous mail. I'll have to snail mail it as I've not got access to a scaner.
