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Which setting for T20?

I'm starting a T20 campaign soon, and I'm trying to decide which setting to use. I was thinking of using the G:T Third Imperium setting, circa 1112 or so, to start. I found a copy of "Knightfall" amongst my old MT boxed set during a recent trip to the storage unit, so I was thinking about incorporating the assassination/rebellion period in there as well.

So does this sound plausible? What are the implications of dumping the characters feet-first into the rebellion after the relative complacency of the Third Imperium? I'm looking more for a setting to act as a backdrop for the players' adventures; I don't really want them to become directly involved in it.

Having a 'Live' background that the characters can see change, yet have next to no affect in (as you don't want them to) can give your campaign that extra bit of reality, or being-thereness that other people leave out.

You could also have it affect them, as for example a police action in a starport keeping them from leaving in a real hurry when they need to.

You shouldn't be too worried about a campaign sounding right as I am looking at running a traveller campaign with a Cthulhu crossover. Jumpspace actually travels through Yog-Sothoth and can send people insane if they work out where they are. Spells are also available but interdicted by the Imperium. Well how would you like it if criminals of the state could gate across a parsec instantaneously bar a 7 temporary Str loss?

I find I prefer to design campaigns that satisfy my creative impulses and the players just enjoy the ride as well.
According to the Rebellion sourcebook, Strephon was assassinated on 132-1116. The news reached Regina on 328-1116.
Originally posted by Ellros:
According to the Rebellion sourcebook, Strephon was assassinated on 132-1116. The news reached Regina on 328-1116.
A jump-6 courier network (like the one the Imperial Navy has) will get the news to Mora in 31 jumps (This includes some 5-parsec jumps to make the route touch all sector capitals in between). An additional two jumps will take it to Rhylanor and another two jumps will take it to Regina. If they can do each jump in exactly 7 days on the average, it would get there in 245 days.

From 132-1116 to 328-1116 is 196 days. The Imperiallines network is performing prodigies in getting the news to Regina in 28 jumps... :confused: . I haven't tried to work out a direct route from Capital to Regina, but I think it is more than the maximum 168 parsecs you can do in 28 jumps. Well, maybe not if you go through the Great Rift.

Originally posted by rancke:
I haven't tried to work out a direct route from Capital to Regina, but I think it is more than the maximum 168 parsecs you can do in 28 jumps. Well, maybe not if you go through the Great Rift.
You don't think Imperallines would set up a secret fuel stash deep in the Great Rift, do you? ;)