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Which aliens would you take along

Which aliens would you put in a spinoff setting?

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SOC-14 1K
If you were going to make a new anciently-transplanted setting, in OTU but thousands of parsecs away, which alien race would you most like to have along with the humans?
Good luck, with whatever this might become...

Went with K'Kree for the drama/tension because our group never really ran into them. Though we did over-play the Chirper/Dyrone connection in CT, I still have a soft spot for the "helpless" Chirpers. Played TNE for a short time and had our fill of Hiver manipulations. I am not paraniod, just really, really cautious.

"I check the secert security monitors we installed in the Hiver's cabin...what do you mean he is just sitting there? Is it asleep, do they sleep? I think he is plotting another surprise. I have our Psionic character try to see if she can pick up any kind of mental signature from that sneaky Hiver."
Surprised the doggies aren't doing better. I mean, that's the one alien race people actually play in non-vanishing numbers.
Originally posted by Morte:
Surprised the doggies aren't doing better. I mean, that's the one alien race people actually play in non-vanishing numbers.
It was a near thing between Droyne and Vargr for me. The tie breaker was the game I ran where my players really enjoyed interacting with a Sport.
From Vargas:

It was a near thing between Droyne and Vargr for me. The tie breaker was the game I ran where my players really enjoyed interacting with a Sport.
So it was a COYN toss.... :D
When you're talking Anciently-transplanted settings, the Droyne are a natural shoe-in for the first major race that I'd expect to see...

Originally posted by Morte:
If you were going to make a new anciently-transplanted setting, in OTU but thousands of parsecs away, which alien race would you most like to have along with the humans?
It would have to be Vargr, lets face it K'Kree
are too big,Aslan are to antisocial,Droyne/Chirper
just too close to bugs not to swat,and Hivers just
would wierd you out too much...... ;)
I normally like Vargs for PC's. But for flavor of a setting like this with only one alien race. Droyne. Psionics and other things make them interesting too.