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Where are you...How can we help?


SOC-14 5K

Where are you in terms of the sourcebook... Just a proposal or rough draft and how can we help in the brainstorming/drafting board process?
At present, what I have is some notes and concepts, plus a gradually-emerging timeline. There are a number of things I need to do before the TNE book, such as salvage my career. But I'll get on it as fast as poss.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
At present, what I have is some notes and concepts, plus a gradually-emerging timeline. There are a number of things I need to do before the TNE book, such as salvage my career. But I'll get on it as fast as poss.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well... you have seen the enthuasism for the pre-playtest files. Just pass ideas maybe in this thread or others in how the rest of us can help.

Good luck with your career, I realize that game writing puts a strain on everything else. But, if its any consolation you are simply a great writer. Traveller has waited a long time for you to come along.
The TNE book is an ongoing project/passion of mine. It'll progress, though it will be some time before there is anything playtestable. I've just started freelancing for a new publisher (I'm now countering world bioterrorism rather than selling missiles...), have a book contract for a self-defence manual, the T20 line to look after... and THEN I can work on TNe. But it will happen. I didn't push all this time for nothing....