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When are the next reprints due?


Anyone know what the schedule for the classic traveller reprints is?
The far futures website is a bit out of date.
i dont know when or what reprints are coming out
next, but i sure would like to know!! i think the
powers that be should post this much needed info
in a more prominent and easier place to get to.
i just picked up (today) jtas 12-24 - great stuff in there!!
I'd look for info on the reprints shortly after GenCon on the FarFuture site. Marc mentioned today that he was working on it. Unfortunately I don't know much more than that. I'll try to get some more info from him at GenCon.

Not to be a pest or anything, but ...

Its post-GenCon. Any new news on the Reprints?

Yes, my gaming shop is getting impatient with the delays with T20 and the reprints. Which might force go the way of ecommerce...
Originally posted by kafka47:
Yes, my gaming shop is getting impatient with the delays with T20 and the reprints. Which might force go the way of ecommerce...
Speaking of FLGS and T20, I checked with the one near me and I have been the store's only source of information regarding T20. So I don't know I will be able the buy two copies for myself and a friend at my FLGS, which is my preferred method of buying gaming products. :(
Whats going on? Is reprint vol 2:Supplements going to be reprinted? When is the next reprint volume due?
Whats going on? Is reprint vol 2:Supplements going to be
reprinted? When is the next reprint volume due?
Well, I just walked through the site and it says vol:2 is going to
ship in October, so apparently its coming out again. It still lists
the 3rd installement of JTAS as coming out in February 2002.

I suppose it will get there when it gets there.
Remember: Good things come to those who wait. :cool:
OK, so the latest D&D D20 add-on supplement (T20) is at the printer.... That's all well and good. Any word on when the next real Traveller ;) product (FFE 008: JTAS 25-33 reprint) will be coming out?
Well, I just walked through the site and it says vol:2 is going to ship in October
I'm amazed that you found that information on the FFE site - with all due respect to its main subject, it's a really awful site for any of the uses one would imagine were behind building it in the first place: selling Traveller products, letting people know about Traveller news, and in general telling people what Traveller is all about.

The decision to make all the pages graphics that can't be indexed by search engines is unfortunate. The slide-presentation metaphor needlessly breaks up information and is in general a navigation nightmare. The information that is there is hard to find, and hopelessly out of date anyway. There are some cool promotions buried in there, but they all seem to be fictitious.

It would be so nice to just have a single page of text, listing what was going to be printed and the quarter and year it might get printed in. Sigh...
