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What's in -your- Ship's locker(s)?

Just a thought. What do you usually give startin players for their ship's locker. or what do their ship's locker's end up looking like? and how does that differ from your NPC's?

just a conversation starter.

Myself I tend to put a handfull of space suits, some weapons, (weighted heavily towards lasers and snub/accelerator weaps), maybe some rope, tools and other useful things for mechanical repairs, EVA's, Refueling etc.

I've had my share of munchkin players so I've seen ships lockers with just about everything.

In a non traveller sci fi campaign I played in once my character was a con man with an ilegal 'courier' official type vessel. that party (at my character's insistance) Had enough uniforms and costumes to outfit the party for any scam...

My favourite was getting pulled over by some official and posing as an impatient 'auditor' who wants to be on his way but... "since you've stopped me I might as well look over -your- books while I'm here..."

* "Official" ships weapons.
* spare vacc-suits and component parts
* survival gear (the definition of this seems to depend on the type of campaign being played, but typically consists of shelters, pioneer tools, and emergency rations.)
* rescue gear
* marbles (I have no idea why they always stock this item... but hey, its their ship!)
* portable sensor gear.
* simple spare parts.
* a large safe for passenger valuables. (One crew actually had this thing built in place as part of a modification to the hull.)

Kind of a dull list, but it's what my groups tend to keep most often.
there are actually several 'ships lockers'
...one in the engineering space, containing the standard engineering tool kits (ie, the 'tool room)and several respirators, vac suits, etc
...another near the air lock containing vacc suits and EV rescue kit (grapples, flares, etc)
...the armory (on big ships) for small arms storage, includes gunsmith supplies
...captains quarters (or office) has the ships safe
...cargo hold/ boat deck, has vac suits, heavy tool kit (cutters, etc)
...and fire extinquishers scatterred in locations (just like any real life building)

ofcourse, thats for 'new' ships....40, 80, 160 year old freighters that have out lived several owners, well...<shrug>...yah never know
all my new players get a nice big VARGR pelt/blanket to keep them warm on those cold nits while exploring new worlds!!!! thay also get nice warm "puppy" boots. WHAT ?? NO SMILEYS???
Vacc suits
Spare air tanks, hopefully filled
A couple of weapons with ammo
Ammo for other weapons no one has any more
A few weapons with no ammo
Comunicators, none on the same frequencies
Parts of a FGMP 15, incomplete
Parts for a set of none funcioning battle dress
Parts for a droid
A complete set of library cubes on 19th century poetry and 20th century fiction
Inflatable raft
Raft patch kit
Rubber hoses, various sizes, lenghts and weights
Hull patch kit, with spare patches
Box of "trade goods", beads, stamped iron disks, marbles, sling shots
Spare blankets, not "vargr pelts"
WHAT - no auto pistols or snubies?????
Only the excess weapons ever seem to end up in the locker, all the functional ones are under the pillow, under the mattress, in the vent, under the console, in the holster, In a plastic bag in the fresher, in the air raft. I guess the PCs get a bit paranoid sometimes. :confused:
Originally posted by vegascat:
Only the excess weapons ever seem to end up in the locker, all the functional ones are under the pillow, under the mattress, in the vent, under the console, in the holster, In a plastic bag in the fresher, in the air raft. I guess the PCs get a bit paranoid sometimes. :confused:
You forgot the shotgun in the galley between the sink and the 'frig. :D
george - noooo.....thats where you keep the sling shot with the exploding grenade pellets!!!! every good galley lacky knows that!!! i am suprized at you!!!

BOOM....what was that??....oh just george blowing up dinner again!!....hes preparing one of his specialtys - its called (of course) boom stew!!
please dont ask whats in it!!!! tasty tasty tasty!!!
yummy yummy - boom stew and TOAST!!! get it ha ha ha!!!

by the way what are some of your favoeit recipes that you feed the crew (this could be one of the great classic comebacks!! the balls in your court george!! lets hear em!!!)
:D ;)
And just what are you keeping in your locker, other than the pelts? Spare food cubes and E rations from the 3rd Frontier War?
The ship lockers in my campagin usually contained (other than spare parts and the supplies need for the daily runing of the ship); Emergency vacc-suits, a couple of carbines, several auto pistols, cutlasses, cold weather gear, a shotgun, three reloads for the above weapons, a pinoeer tool box (a large crate like box full of tools that do not require any power, it would take a long time to mention every thing in there), an emergency medical kit, an inflatable raft, a survival kit (again a long list of basics), several rescue beacons, and a sloar powerd water purification unit (actually a still, that often ended up being used for other purposes than its intended function by the PCs :D ).
This was the "standard" ship's locker. Most of my player characters augmented this list with their own ideas and purchases, including an amazing list of weapons! My orginal Traveller campagin (wich predated the publishing of the Spinward Marches and any information on the "offical" Traveller univers) was a dangerous place and emphasized exploration. My ships lockers where designed to aid in survial in case of a crash or other mishap.
Originally posted by trader jim:
george - noooo.....thats where you keep the sling shot with the exploding grenade pellets!!!! every good galley lacky knows that!!! i am suprized at you!!!

BOOM....what was that??....oh just george blowing up dinner again!!....hes preparing one of his specialtys - its called (of course) boom stew!!
please dont ask whats in it!!!! tasty tasty tasty!!!
yummy yummy - boom stew and TOAST!!! get it ha ha ha!!!

by the way what are some of your favoeit recipes that you feed the crew (this could be one of the great classic comebacks!! the balls in your court george!! lets hear em!!!)
:D ;)
For a strange reason I almost missed this post.

The shotgun idea came from my very first Traveller campaign. My scout named Mal was wilderness fueling in the outback of some lonesome planet. Somehow a carnivorous critter got onboard the ship, where it found a nice spot to nap.

That night it woke up and started to look for something eat. It smelled the spicy groat noodle stir fry I was cooking up so it made a beeline to the galley. What it found was me, with my back to it and no sidearm. :eek: It's dim brain thought the noodle smell was coming from me. So it immediately pounced!

Lucky me that I saw it's reflection in the breadbox and I quickly dodged out of the way. Unfortunately for the critter and myself, it hit the stove so hard that it dumped the entire stir fry into its face. While it's screaming in agony, I quickly picked up the shogun that was draped on the back of a chair and KABAMM!!. After cooking the critter for dinner (Which tasted like greasy chicken) I fixed a shotgun between the sink and the 'frig.

The idea of placing the shotgun came from real life. Before my parents remodelled the kitchen there a sizable gap between the 'frig and the kitchen sink cabinet. It was large enough to have small towel rack and couple of brooms. I figure a small shotgun would fit perfectly.
Presently my pc, Brain Man, is shopping Regina upport for an autosnub pistol.
Aside from this, he has the following:

Detached DutyType S Scout
S-17022 White Sands

ICredits: 8395

Personal Equipment:
1xTL10 Vaccsuits, w/25km helmet radio, magnetic grips, 25 suit patches,
1 Suit liner, binoculars mount with TL10 image converter and power
plant 8.55kg
1 TL10 Radiation Card
1 TL10 Wristwatch
1 TL10 Inertial Locator 1.25kg
1 TL8 Backpack 3kg
1 TL9 Cold Light Lantern .25kg

Rear Section [Lounge]:
3 Prospecting Beacons 1kg
1 Ore Sampler 25kg
10 vaccsuit umbilical cords 10m each .5kg

Ships Locker:
4xHostile Environment Kits 25kg
4 Rescue Balls 5kg
1 Laser Drill w/tripod 10kg and 1 power pack 8kg

Metal Work Tool Kit 50kg
Mechanical Tool Set 20kg
40 Wall Patches [10x10cm]

Common Area:
1 Medical Kit 10kg

Electronic Tool Kit 5kg
1 Jump One Navigational Cartridge

Commanders Stateroom:
personal clothing, odds & ends.
plop101 - sir in looking over your ships lockers i have noticed you are Not in possession of one of the galaxys mirical drugs!!!! and that is a 12 ounce bottle of COFFEE JUICE - recently brewed (on tuesday) i think, its made from the finest and fattest Vopal bunnies and tribbles from an ole family secret!!! will cure almost anything you get Externally. just smear it on,just a reminder this is for External use only DO NOT - I REPEAT -- DO NOT DRINK _ DO NOT GET IN OR AROUND YOUR EYES!! - now i just have a stiil sealed bottle with me and you may have it for only 22credit, it should last you for years!!!!
Plop101, where are the weapons? No weapons? You are travelling the dangerous lanes of space with no weapons at all?
What do you have in the turret of that scout? What colors do you fly? What is your next port of call? The pirates will be a waiting.

I know, you are just hiding them in the center piece in your lounge.
not to worry vegascat - i checked his medical kit when he bought my Extra Large bottle of Coffee Juice and he has a very modern Phaser set on KILL
hidden under all his supplys!!!! that means he may have other weapons hidden around. :D :D
Vegascat writes:
>Plop101, where are the weapons? No weapons? You are travelling the
>dangerous lanes of space with no weapons at all?

Just stand right in front of the laser drill. Yeah, thats it. A little more to the right.


I did say that Brain Man was shopping for a Auto Snub pistol, did I not.

>What do you have in the turret of that scout?

You really don't want to know. Trust me on this.

>What is your next port of call?

Well now, lets think about this. Take a look at the list of equipment and where my pc is and think about it.

>The pirates will be a waiting.

Ahh yes, salvage opportunities. Just have the pirates make an annotated list of what their going to turn over to me. It simplifies things considerably. :cool: