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What space ship minis to YOU use?

For all of those lead heads (like me) who desire more than just lines on paper for their space combat situations, I'm curious to know what miniatures do you use?

As for myself, I use:

GZGs Full Thrust: I use these mainly for capital ships or massed combat.

Silent Death: Some of the larger ships (i.e. Warhounds) also make great capital ships. Of course, some of these minis were taken from RAFMs OOP Traveller line.

OOP Star Frontiers: Not the best sculpting job in the world, but Federation Frigate and Assault Scout are really nice. Also the Sather Destroyer and Heavy Crusier are worth getting ahold of.

RAFMs OOP Traveller Line (The One's that didn't carry over to SD): I'm builing my collection of scouts, Far Traders, and other ships for PC vessels.

Mark A. Siefert
hi - Mark, i too, have a rather good collection of lead - alot of it is still in the "card", unpainted...not trimmed...not primed...never played...all different makes and styles.
my question is - what rules do you use???
i have never been satisified with ANY set!!!
to me they all seem Kinda Tankish, or Wet Navy Shipish...if you know what i mean. do you play a home grown set....or store bought???....what is your opinion of the rules on the market now....what is your recomendation?
Remember the scene in "Robinson Caruso on Mars"...the bad guys doing 90 sharp turns...i think ship to ship combat MAY be something like that....close combat or other wise...whats your thoughts??
Originally posted by trader jim:
hi - Mark, i too, have a rather good collection of lead - alot of it is still in the "card", unpainted...not trimmed...not primed...never played...all different makes and styles.
my question is - what rules do you use???
i have never been satisified with ANY set!!!
to me they all seem Kinda Tankish, or Wet Navy Shipish...if you know what i mean.
Well, there are a number of space combat game I enjoy:

Full Thrust: Especially using the "Fleet Book Rules" and the full vector movement. Power Projection is based upon this system and I look forward to getting my hands on that game.

Hard Vacuum: Although it's set in an alternate WWII history where the Allies and Axis duke it out in space, it's has a fast rules system with a good vector movement system. You can modify the to something more hard sci-fi if you wish.

Starmada: Fast, generic system. Could work on the movement rules though.

Mark A. Siefert
Good to see some fellow "Lead-Heads" here! :D

I use a mix of GZG Full Trust ship minis and some very old SFB minis from Task Force Games and Gamescience. I've experimented with some kit bashing back in the day. I recently started my 9 and 10 year old nephews on some simplified space combat rules using their Micromachines brand Star Trek ships. (I'll do anything to wean them off Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards

Note to Mark Siefert:
I was a frequent visitor to your old FT website a few years ago....is it still around?

Steady as she goes...
I just picked up a ton of B5 Fleet Action minis on sale now that AOG has lost the license. I've got me a whole earth force fleet waiting to be painted.

I plan to suplement them with my large collection of Micro Machines. For a while, Micro Machines were the best minitures deal going. You get pre-painted (at least as good as anything I could do) minis that were nearly indestructible. Do they make any micro machines that would make good space ship minis anymore...
I mostly use the RAFM Traveller ship minis that came out a few years ago. I've painted at least two scout ships, two far traders, one free trader, one subsidized merchant, one lab ship, one survey ship, two mercenary cruisers, two liners, and a cutter or two. I've got some of the other ones as well. The Aslan patrol ship and a few others, but I haven't painted these.

I also have a few Silent Death and Full Thrust ships, but I like the smaller, non-capital ships better since that's generally what the players have access to.

I'll have to photograph them and post a URL here.
We used MicroMachines for minis plus some B5 ships that were about the same scale.

For rules - an Adapted "Blue Max" dogfighting games. My players liked the Dogfighting fro Star Wars - so I built a rule set that was based arround the Everyone submit their orders at the same time, see who goes where then shoot directly ahead if you have a target. Turned out to be a fun game to play without the RP behind it so we used to do that a lot - built an experience system into it etc. The game was all about "I think he'll think that I'll expect him to turn right, so I'll try to target where he would be if he trys to target my right turn" - double thinking, triple thinking etc - lots of fun
Okay, show and tell time. Here are a few graphics of my painted ship minis:

Mercenary cruisers (the Excalibur was used by PCs in a campaign):


Scout ships, painted to look like two of the Brilliant Lances ship chits:


An SDB, a Subsidized Merchant, and a shuttle:


A free trader and a far trader. The free trader was painted to look like the Gimuqshabika, the starship from the campaign book, "Knightfall":


And just for kicks, here are a few of the Grenadier figs, painted:

For large scale things, the old RAFM Traveller ships in lead. However.....

For small scale stuff I have some scratchbuilt models. Air/Raft, Scout Courier, Safari, launches and such. Haven't actually tried anything larger yet. Maybe someday.

Nice ships and figs there Starpilot. How are they to find these days and does anybody know when the new lead from Powerprojection will be released?
Originally posted by tigger1tom:
Nice ships and figs there Starpilot. How are they to find these days and does anybody know when the new lead from Powerprojection will be released?

They still turn up on eBay every so often, but the Traveller starship minis are getting more and more difficult to find.

I don't know when the Power Projection minis are coming out, but I can't wait to see them!
Originally posted by valen:
[QB]I just picked up a ton of B5 Fleet Action minis on sale now that AOG has lost the license. QB]
Did they lose the license to all their B5 stuff? Do you know who else got it?

I spoke with Bruce, the guy from AOG, a couple of years ago at Origins and begged him to pick up the rights to do the B5 RPG since CE lost it...

That's bad news for B5 gaming in general...
I spoke with Bruce, the guy from AOG, a couple of years ago at Origins and begged him to pick up the rights to do the B5 RPG since CE lost it...

That's bad news for B5 gaming in general...[/QB][/QUOTE]
As I understand it TimeWarner, the property holder, has decided that since it had no B5 TV shows or movies at the moment it would pull ALL of the B5 licences :rolleyes: . AOG was the last one.
Why are they refusing money? I don't know and don't understand. :confused:
Peter V.
Just a guess, but I'm guessing they want to be able to make new licensing arrangements if they start marketing B5 again.

Anyway, I doubt they were making enough money off the RPG or miniature licences to pay the accountants.

Oh, and "Crusade" has been playing on the SciFi channel in the B5 timeslot, M-F, 5 PM ET. It will end soon, though.
To answer the question posed by the thread, I pretty much use any ship mini put before me. RAFM Traveller, RAFM Silent Death, Full Thrust, Kallistra, SFB (both scales), BFG/Spacefleet, B5 (all three scales), Superior, and the wide variety of random "stuff" I've found over the years...
Anyone ever pickup the Starblazers minis and or game.

This was my absolute favorite Sci-Fi cartoon when I was a kid.

I noticed the minis starting to pop up a few years ago but they always seemed a little pricey.

That and I can't find a Sci-Fi gamer within 200 miles of me to justify buying minis.
Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
For all of those lead heads (like me) who desire more than just lines on paper for their space combat situations, I'm curious to know what miniatures do you use?

As for myself, I use:

GZGs Full Thrust: I use these mainly for capital ships or massed combat.

Silent Death: Some of the larger ships (i.e. Warhounds) also make great capital ships. Of course, some of these minis were taken from RAFMs OOP Traveller line.

OOP Star Frontiers: Not the best sculpting job in the world, but Federation Frigate and Assault Scout are really nice. Also the Sather Destroyer and Heavy Crusier are worth getting ahold of.

RAFMs OOP Traveller Line (The One's that didn't carry over to SD): I'm builing my collection of scouts, Far Traders, and other ships for PC vessels.

Mark A. Siefert
I second the reccomendation on the Star Frontiers stuff - a few of the ships work perfectly... The guys over at Titan Games have a truckload of the old SF stuff and show up at quite a few conventions.

Also, many of the old Starfire minis work perfectly as well.

I use Andromedans from SFB for K'Kree ships.

There are a few Galaktik Taktik ships that match up with some of the early ships as well.

A number of the old FASA TOG:Interceptor minis work perfectly well, if you can find them. So do a select few of the old Space Fleet (precursor to Battlefleet Gothic) figs, again if you can find em.

And never underestimate the power of a kitbash!
Originally posted by Stephen Herron:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by valen:
[QB]I just picked up a ton of B5 Fleet Action minis on sale now that AOG has lost the license. QB]
Did they lose the license to all their B5 stuff? Do you know who else got it?

I spoke with Bruce, the guy from AOG, a couple of years ago at Origins and begged him to pick up the rights to do the B5 RPG since CE lost it...

That's bad news for B5 gaming in general...
</font>[/QUOTE]Someone did acquire the rights to produce a B5 RPG, but whether it is actually being worked on? Who knows. Was like that with Twilight 2000 for several year after GDW closed up. Someone had the rights, but didn't do anything with it until the last couple of years.