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What psionics do you use in T20 ? Discuss psionics in T20


I am not convinced by the T20 psionic rules as they are. But I would like to hear others' opinions on this subject, and about their experience using T20 psionic system if they do.

Myself, I was thinking of adapting the D&D 3.5 psionic rules to T20. I am thinking doing classes based on the T20 template (feats to choose at 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, etc. levels as usual), either inspired from some sci-fi archetypes (Jedi, Bene-Gesserit, Mentat, Telepath, etc.), or derived from the 3e psionic rules (Psion, Psychic warrior, Wilder, etc.). I want to use the D&D 3.5 psionic rules because they are well appreciated withing the D&D community, and I have no time nor desire to reinvent the wheel. However, as they stand the D&D 3e psionic classes would be way too powerful in a T20 game and universe. So I was thinking of toning them down, giving much fewer psi-points, an a limited array of psionic powers. So what do you think and what would you do?
I like the current T20 psionic rules, once you add the Psionicist class from TA5, Mind Over Matter. That's about the only way it actually works for me. Captures the flavor of the original system without taking too much away from the character for other pursuits. I'd highly recommend you check it out.

If you want to play Traveller and keep a Traveller feel, I'd avoid the v3.5 psionics rules. If you want to make it your own and have some fun with it, the choice is up to you. If you're playing in your own ATU, do what seems right for you. If you're doing the OTU, I think it's better to use something more akin to Traveller psionics rather than D&D psionics.

For an alternative, though, check out Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook. Limit the points given to the Traveller's Psi Rating, and use T20's recovery rules for those points, but otherwise, that system would work out very well for you, I think, as a nice compromise.

Hope This Helps,
Well, the game is going to be set in a homebrew setting which focuses a lot on psionics. Not the typical Traveller universe, but the T20 rules were seen appropriate anyway (except where psionics are concerned).
I use the T20 psionics more or less "as is", but with only very rare exceptions, I keep psinics a distant and shadowy thing, only rarely popping up in NPCs and the occasional piece of psionic technology.

If the PCs wanted to get psionic abilities, they first have to clear it with me, which i frequently don't do, and then there will be some serious and drawn-out RP to get it at all. None of this "Oh, we're stuck in prison? Well, I'll just take a feat and a few ranks in teleport, and we'll be out of here in no time..." stuff.
I strongly recommend you not use the D&D psionics rules in T20.

The reason for this is that the play balance difficulties inherent in the d20 psionics system. The designers wanted to create a system wherein you could choose a very limited set of powers and then you could power them from a common pool of power points. This is fine at low level, but from mid-level on (say, about 6th level), it becomes extremely problematic, because a 6-level psion with a 16 key stat has 44 psionic power points.

That means he can manifest SEVEN top-level effects per day, and triple that number if he sticks to lower-level powers that can't be augmented. Contrast that with the 6-level wizard with a 16 Int, who can cast THREE top-level effects per day. His spell slots total up to 23 slots, so he has half of the total casting ability of the psion. Even a sorcerer has only 34 slots per day.

When we get to 20-level, the psion will have over 350 power points and will be able to manifest SEVENTEEN top-level powers. And ninth-level psionic powers manifested at 20th level are pretty powerful.

But let's go back to that 6-level psionic. Let's assume he has the power energy burst. He can toss off seven 6d6+6 fire effects with a 12 meter RADIUS. He can do cold effects for the same damage that use Fortitude saves instead of Reflex - no Evasion there. He can do electricity which has a tougher save. And he can do sonic damage (6d6-6 but it ignores an object's hardness).

If you assumed it's all Stamina damage, it's bad enough, but if you toss in the T20 Lifeblood system, it's a pretty damned deadly power. And at 20-level, it'll vaporize even heavily armored targets and can damage armored starships. Example: 20d6+20 minus 10d for person-to-starship damage = 10d6+10 (here I'll argue that each "die" is actually 1d6+1). An armored ship probably doesn't have more than AR5, so 5d6+5 (and remember they're the highest dice of 10, so the mean damage is about 4.25/die). That's an average of 26 Structural Integrity points.

The two systems simply aren't compatible, and psionics have too much duration to their powers.
Much to the chagrin of my players I do not allow Psionics IMYU, nor do I allow alliens for that matter.

I hint at psionics for some NPC's but that is all rumor and speculation. I may slowly introduce it over time.

RN IMTU Humans are the only intelligent species, but I have included a race of ancients that left artifacts and instalations across known space.

A big plot point I have planned for later in my game is the introduction of a new alien species.

<...> The designers wanted to create a system wherein you could choose a very limited set of powers and then you could power them from a common pool of power points. This is fine at low level, but from mid-level on (say, about 6th level), it becomes extremely problematic, because a 6-level psion with a 16 key stat has 44 psionic power points. <...> He can toss off seven 6d6+6 fire effects with a 12 meter RADIUS. <...>
Indeed, and it's why I wanted to tone down the system. I thought to restrict the powers available (I see this more a Clairvoyance / Precognition / Healing thing than dark jedi lightning bolt powers) and give a lot less psi-points, maybe 1d4 per level. I was interested in the 3e psionics system where the game mechanics and power descriptions are concerned.
You'll also want to check out d20 Trinity - from the White Wolf d20 line. Excellent psionics - but must be modified a bit for use in other systems.
Originally posted by Turanil:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /><...> The designers wanted to create a system wherein you could choose a very limited set of powers and then you could power them from a common pool of power points. This is fine at low level, but from mid-level on (say, about 6th level), it becomes extremely problematic, because a 6-level psion with a 16 key stat has 44 psionic power points. <...> He can toss off seven 6d6+6 fire effects with a 12 meter RADIUS. <...>
Indeed, and it's why I wanted to tone down the system. I thought to restrict the powers available (I see this more a Clairvoyance / Precognition / Healing thing than dark jedi lightning bolt powers) and give a lot less psi-points, maybe 1d4 per level. I was interested in the 3e psionics system where the game mechanics and power descriptions are concerned. </font>[/QUOTE]I´m thinking about giving Psionicists a special class feat that allows them to use 1d6 Stamina points each instead of 1 point of PSI, but otherwise leaving PSI points and costs as they are. That way, they can do a lot more, but at a cost in Stamina.
So, how do people feel about RNA implants to teach people psionics? Would it work? Would it toally screw up the subject? I can see some excellent adventure ideas... the party sent to hunt down an excaped medical test subject, one which is top secret and.. well, he's not armed, but consider him very dangerous. So, he's twelve. So what? Trust us. He's dangerous.
As I mentioned over on ENWorld in response to this same question, I use Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook. The feat and skill nature of the system is close enought to the basic approach of T20, but its given more detail and thought.

I houseruling the T20 system to fix what I see as flaws, but I saw it evolving into something like the psychic's handbook, so I saved myself the work and slotted it in.
Originally posted by Psion:
I use Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook. The feat and skill nature of the system is close enought to the basic approach of T20, but its given more detail and thought.
By the way, this is also close to Star-Wars d20 Force system, so I guess that system could also be used easily.
Buy Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook!

I use their psychic class for my inquisitor-character in a d&d campaign and I just love thier psi-rules, feels balanced and thought through all the way. I think it would work like a charm for T20 (you have to contemplate on the stuff that differs in T20 from standard-d20 ofcourse).