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What looks good about T5...

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
The things that look good to me about T5 (as found on the Far Futures website):

Technical Reference (even though it's a separate book, I'd pay good money for it.)
The Vast Span of History (hopefully updated with T20/Gateway and the new 1248 milieu)
The Task Library (very much needed)
Interactions (this whole section sounds like a great resource for any RPGer)
Nemeses (Ah ha! I knew someday someone would put the Evil Villain into Traveller)

Jeez, this whole thing sounds interesting.

I can't wait,

You're better off looking at what is on the playtest before you form an opinion on T5.

From what I've seen it is very, very far from that description at the moment.
It's two years out, so there is understandably a discrepancy between what's available now and what will be released, Mal.

If MWM can deliver on the above, it will be interesting to see T5's approach, which I will, in turn, no doubt translate into T20 for my personal games.

Hopefully QLI's license for T20 is renewed at that time, though, as it is my current system of preference, but that's a marketing decision between MWM and Hunter that is out of our hands.

The various Era sourcebooks sound the most interesting T5 contributions to Traveller IMHO, out of all of the proposed items.

My two credits, anyway,
The things I like about T5 are the same as the things I liked about T4:

1 skill per year in CG.
Separate Technical Architecture.
Skills from homeworld type.

Lets, see... I think that covers it.
Originally posted by Aramis:
The things I like about T5 are the same as the things I liked about T4:

1 skill per year in CG.
Separate Technical Architecture.
Skills from homeworld type.

Lets, see... I think that covers it.
Hi Aramis,

I am looking at the T5 stuff in playtest and none of the items you state have been addressed yet.

Some playtest materials from a few years ago had that stuff, but, it is not in the current playtest area so I sort of think that all that is up for discussion.

Do you know something that has not been stated on the Private playtest area?

best regards

Interested parties may want to know that Marc has done an interview over on the RPG.net site. Just wondering why do only an interview there where there are tons of fans with unanswered questions on this boards, as how long has it been since Marc really dropped by for an engaged time...ages if not aeons.
Dalton: the CG is up; it's one skill per year and has background skills.

The separate TechArch is from the list of products.

All I know on that score is that of what I've seen, that's the ONLY things I like.

(I think t5 is going to be Marc throwing good money after bad... Everything so far looks like T4.2 Advanced; in the same sens as Advanced D&D)
Originally posted by Aramis:
Dalton: the CG is up; it's one skill per year and has background skills.

The separate TechArch is from the list of products.

All I know on that score is that of what I've seen, that's the ONLY things I like.

(I think t5 is going to be Marc throwing good money after bad... Everything so far looks like T4.2 Advanced; in the same sens as Advanced D&D)
Hi Aramis,

I just looked at the Moot's file listing and it only has the Racial generation stuff. No Character generation stuff, no prior history, just a bunch of files on how to randomly generate a race.

Are there files there that I do not have permission to see??

best regards


Aramis is referring to very old (2003) playtest material on Traveller5.com. You can probably snag the files without having to create a login.

Originally posted by robject:

Aramis is referring to very old (2003) playtest material on Traveller5.com. You can probably snag the files without having to create a login.

Thanks Robject, I wanted to make sure, because I have those files, but, since they seem to become static from along time ago, and they are not in the moot, I do not assume they are still official.

For example, the skill lists are being discussed, and the skills, their names, and some of the ways they work are different than what is in the files on Traveller5. Therefore, I must assume that the entire Traveller5 playtest archive is no longer applicable.

From what I understand, Marc is reviewing his ideas on the T5 task system. That will affect character generation (just how many skills a year) as well as all task descriptions.

I can't say what looks good about T5 because, even though I have the playtest materials that have been released, T5 is very much in development and everthing may change.

best regards

Sorry for the slow reply...

yes, Robject is correct in the files to which I referred.

(been a busy and bruising week... )
Originally posted by kafka47:
Interested parties may want to know that Marc has done an interview over on the RPG.net site. Just wondering why do only an interview there where there are tons of fans with unanswered questions on this boards, as how long has it been since Marc really dropped by for an engaged time...ages if not aeons.
probably because some people here are so rude and fail to show common courtesy.

also there are so many forcefully expressed opinions that it would be impossible to accomodate all of them, or justify not doing so.
Originally posted by hirch duckfinder:
probably because some people here are so rude and fail to show common courtesy.
I would have to agree. If people want others to talk to them, they should show some common courtesy and respect, even if they don't like the individual in question or how that individual does things.

Also, the perception that any particular individual "owes" people answers to every single question is an invalid assumption under these conditions. (If we were in court and an answer was compelled, that's one thing. We're not in under any legal obligations here... that I'm aware of. ;) )

Yet we see these two maxims violated regularly here on COTI by a small minority, to be fair.

I wouldn't answer questions under those conditions, nor would I feel any guilt in not going to such a site where all I got was flak and remorse. I would have better ways to spend my time.

But that's only my opinion. YMMV.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled thread, already in progress...

It wouldn't be hard to do, robject. Just open a moderated thread for questions (limit 2 each, say). The moderator could dump anybody abusing the thread (like posting more than their question allotment). Then they would bring the interviewee into the thread to answer those questions, with the moderator posting follow-ups (and carefully watching his PM space), etc. Then you close the thread, and sticky it somewhere.

(Even better if you can close it to everyone except the moderator and interviewee while the interview is ongoing.)
Originally posted by robject:
I didn't know that COTI hosted "formal" interviews and the like... ?
There's an interview of sorts with MWM that was posted here on CotI. But it wasn't conducted here. IIRC that was done via email.
Good point with Msrs. Nilsen and Fugate. Not formal interviews, but the COTIs were well behaved and the interviewees responsive.

More at a Q&A session, wot? Worked out very well, both of 'em did.
Originally posted by Flynn:

If MWM can deliver on the above, it will be interesting to see T5's approach, which I will, in turn, no doubt translate into T20 for my personal games.
That question brings me to a question I have had for a long time about T5...what system will it use? I would hope that it uses d20 mechanics for one simple reason...

Like it or not (and I have mixed feelings on this), d20 is the de facto standard for RPGs at the moment. This translates into a huge "installed base" of players. Any game system that does not follow d20 rules is much less likely to be a huge success.

People in general tend to be a little lazy and resistant to change, and I *really* want T5 to succeed. In order for it to have the kind of mass appeal that D&D 3.5 has, it needs to be as accessible to players as possible.

I know that in my gaming group, I would have been unable to convince them to try Traveller if I had not been able to say "and you won't have to learn much new stuff, because it's a d20 game!"

I have played Traveller since 1978, and I love the old CT rules, but they are not as popular, and in many ways, not as flexible as d20. My personal choice would be for a percentile-based system, since everybody understands percentiles, and such a system provides a lot of fine resolution for a task system, etc. But all that aside, the practical reality is that T5 will have a tough road if it uses something besides d20.