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What is needed to play T20?

OK.. I haven't played Traveller since I was 14 years old (going on 20 years ago *sigh*).. I have no idea why I am suddenly interested again, but T20 sounds pretty cool so I am seriously thinking of making the purchase.

What exactly is needed to play T20? Will I need any other rule books? I have done some research and it seems that other d20 games require you to purchase D&D 3rd Ed. Players Handbook. Will I need this? Anything else?


-] Crow
Well, there are some crucial information from the Third Edition Player's Handbook that you need, like the XP chart and the step-by-step instruction on character generation.

You do not HAVE to purchase one for yourself if your gaming group already have one.

Other stuff? Variety of dice (d20, d6, d10, etc.), paper, pencil or pen, etc.
The main things missing from the T20 book will deal almost entirely with character experience points and level progression. This is purely a function of the d20 System License. All of this information can be found in any of the d20 main rule books published by WoTC itself, namely: D&D 3E Player's Handbook, Call of Cthulhu Rule Book, Wheel of Time Rule Book, and either printing of the d20 Star Wars Main Rulebook.

I believe you can also find the relevant information for free by sifting through the various files at the following URL:
D20 System Resource Document (SRD) Site

If I recall correctly, this site is the one holding the information other publishers are supposed to use in staying within the d20 License and still be able to publish d20 stuff. But no promises; it's been a long time since I've gone through the info on that site.

Hope this helps,

Simon Jester :devil:
Yeah, helps a bit.. will the T20 book just reference the other works by chapter and page #? It just sounds to me like a bit of trouble to try and generate a character with two books in front of you: The T20 handbook and the D&D 3E PHB.

I doubt that my Traveller character will need/want alignment (I create a Chaotic Neutral Merchant! and he's half-elven!) also I am a bit confused about how the whole level system will feed back into the skills system of Traveller. Will you gain skills per level (a la spells) ? Will you gain attack bonuses? Where would I find this?

Is the ONLY thing missing the fact that you use 3d6 to generate each of your characteristics and it takes 1000XP to reach 1st level?

I'm so confused :mad:
Okay, not having seen the T20 rules yet, I'm just going to guess at some of this.

The alignment system gets thrown out as there are no D&D-type gods or clerics (or wizards and spells, etc.)

Pretty much everyone starts at 1st level before applying T20's Prior History system (just as if you were creating a character in CT), and it takes 1000 xp times your current level to advance a character level. All experience advancement is based on character level while most benefits and abilities are based on how many levels the character possesses in a particular class.

Every time the character advances a level, she gets a number of skill points based on her Intelligence modifier (or possibly Education modifier in T20) and a skill point base that varies by class (the class in which the level is attained).

Feats are gained every third character level and as each class indicates, Stat bonuses are gained every fourth level (and possibly as otherwise indicated, like for taking certain feats).

Again, I've not seen the T20 rules except in their T20 Lite book, so I'm just guessing on how they're interpreting the d20 system.

Simon Jester :devil:
Originally posted by stormcrow:
Yeah, helps a bit.. will the T20 book just reference the other works by chapter and page #? It just sounds to me like a bit of trouble to try and generate a character with two books in front of you: The T20 handbook and the D&D 3E PHB.
The only thing you will need from the PHB will be the experince chart itself and the rules from the PHB on how to add a level. Once you understand the rules you can put the PHB down and not look at it again. All the required number (except the Experince chart) are in the T20 book.

I doubt that my Traveller character will need/want alignment (I create a Chaotic Neutral Merchant! and he's half-elven!) also I am a bit confused about how the whole level system will feed back into the skills system of Traveller. Will you gain skills per level (a la spells) ? Will you gain attack bonuses? Where would I find this?
There are no alignments in T20. If you really want a Chaotic Neutral half elven-dragon blooded merchant, I suggest Dragonstar.

Each time you go up a level, you get some number of skill points (modified by your intelligence), to buy skill ranks. And Each time you go up a level, you may (or may not) increase your attack bonus. Both of these numbers are in the T20 book.

All of this is explained in the PHB, but I've found it to be so poorly explained there, that it's easier to find someone who already understands it to explain it to you.
No Alignments?, good. I can't see them fitting in a Traveller game anyway.
ok.ok... so the ONLY thing that WON'T be in T20 Handbook will be the XP chart and the rules on gaining levels. The XP chart I can type up pretty quick and glue to the inside of the book
but these level rules, what are these anyhow? get 1000XP and you are 2nd level? or are you talking about the rules for changing classes? I can't see how the feats would apply.. do the ability increases apply? are there 'cross-class' skills that you gain as well?

I may just be pretty dense I guess.

I will be glad when the T20 Handbook is out and I can just order the darn thing and find out!

QuikLink take note: I would MUCH prefer to order the PDF version of this! Esp. if it only cost like $29.95 ! *HINT*
Ahhh, but WHICH Player's Handbook? D&D 3rd Edition or T20?

The more I read T20 the more I like it. I re-read through the T20-Lite rules and saw the bit about feats.. Sounds pretty cool. I haven't played Traveller since the days of the LBB in High School (mid-80s), but this really seems to be an improvement. I realize I may be hung from the nearest tree for heresey (a witch, a witch! may we burn her?) but this may be the best yet that I have seen...

Did a little research on the web looking at MT rules and T4.. T20 seems more elegant somehow. Just my opinion, it may change and it is worth what you paid for it!
is there ANYTHING in the OGL/D20 that says a creation suppliment (showing the missing elements) cant be offered as, say an 'in house' document for download ?...know what i mean <wink,wink>
Originally posted by stormcrow:

Ahhh, but WHICH Player's Handbook? D&D 3rd Edition or T20?
Correct me if I'm wrong about the titles, okay?

You need Dungeons & Dragons Third Editon Player's Handbook to play T20: The Traveller's Handbook.

Originally posted by Reginald:
Correct me if I'm wrong about the titles, okay?

You need Dungeons & Dragons Third Editon Player's Handbook to play T20: The Traveller's Handbook.

Or any of the other d20 main rule books published by Wizards:

Star Wars Main Rules (either edition)
Wheel of Time
Call of Cthulhu
d20 Modern (when it comes out)

Although, from some of the things I've read, both on their site and elsewhere, D20 Modern is going to be somewhat modified, with Wound/Vitality Points (a la Star Wars), more feats, etc. I've got it on preorder at my FLGS already.

Simon Jester :devil:
Okay... could -someone- PLEASE, (preferably with references or some other support so that they don't get immediately refuted by the next poster) tell me one simple thing...

Between the STL and the OGL and the OGC....

Do I need the DAMN PHB or NOT. (Even if it's a friend's even if it's photocopied, even if it's actually 'D20 Bunnies and Burrows' -whatever-...)

I'm getting a little tired of this... yes you do. The double secret stuff is only there. NO you don't it's all in the OGL. NO it isn't it's only in the books. Yes it is it's in the SRBCQXYZ. No it isn't buy the book...


which is it? Is there an online source (That you can legally tell me about, wouldn't want to get you in trouble.) OR NOT?

Please provide support (ideally the link, if the answer is yes.) And I can mak my own descion based on the evidence.

... and then hopefully we can close this Topic hopping thread.
Originally posted by Garf:
Okay... could -someone- PLEASE, (preferably with references or some other support so that they don't get immediately refuted by the next poster) tell me one simple thing...

Between the STL and the OGL and the OGC....

Do I need the DAMN PHB or NOT. (Even if it's a friend's even if it's photocopied, even if it's actually 'D20 Bunnies and Burrows' -whatever-...)

I'm getting a little tired of this... yes you do. The double secret stuff is only there. NO you don't it's all in the OGL. NO it isn't it's only in the books. Yes it is it's in the SRBCQXYZ. No it isn't buy the book...
To be absoluely clear: Yes, you need the Damn D&D 3rd edition Player Handbook (PHB) to play T20. No, The extra secret ingredients are not on line (or they're not supposed to be).

The only thing you really need from the PHB are an aggregate of about two pages of rules on how to create a character and add a level to an existing character.

All of the other rules for D20 are contained within the PHB are copied into the System Reference Document (SRD) (and hence in the T20 rule book).

The Extra Secret Ingredients are also in the other Wizards books so if you don't want to buy the PHB, you can buy one of the other, more expensive, books. Or ask someone to photocopy/explain the rules to you.

Clear enough?

Providing more refrences would require you to read the D20 system licence, the Open Gaming Licence, and the System Reference Document. Which I'm sure you don't want to do.
Originally posted by Garf:
Okay... could -someone- PLEASE, (preferably with references or some other support so that they don't get immediately refuted by the next poster) tell me one simple thing...

Between the STL and the OGL and the OGC....

Do I need the DAMN PHB or NOT. (Even if it's a friend's even if it's photocopied, even if it's actually 'D20 Bunnies and Burrows' -whatever-...)

I'm getting a little tired of this... yes you do. The double secret stuff is only there. NO you don't it's all in the OGL. NO it isn't it's only in the books. Yes it is it's in the SRBCQXYZ. No it isn't buy the book...


which is it? Is there an online source (That you can legally tell me about, wouldn't want to get you in trouble.) OR NOT?

Please provide support (ideally the link, if the answer is yes.) And I can mak my own descion based on the evidence.

... and then hopefully we can close this Topic hopping thread.
Garf, your best bet is to probably head on over to WoTC's website and look in the d20 section (under Games->d20) and check out the FAQs.

It's all there.