I saw the call for authors page for Traveller's Aides and among the settings asked for is Mileu 0. I don't know what that is. Is it a unique Traveller setting? I have been thinking of writing a traveller setting for people who want to play Robot characters. The technology for AIs is lowered from the OTU to TL8. I understand that the original Traveller setting wanted to keep AI at a high tech level thousands of years in the future for they don't overshadow biological heroes. I am thinking of exploring the path not taken. It seems reasonable for me to posit that AI will be developed in the 21st century and that their capacities will equal and even exceed those of humans. In this Traveller Universe we just let that happen and explore the consequences that follow from that. The main stars in this setting are the Robots. There are humans also, and aliens. The technology is otherwise the same, there are jump drives, manuever drives, the same rules and character classes are used. The robots have superior abilities, but they are technically slaves, each one of them has an owner and their own programming forbids them from harming any member of their maker species. (Usually human, but may include others). A robot might not like a particular human, be he can't harm him. Robot characters must work around this limitation, perhaps by using their social skills or powers of persuasion. Robot characters must also work around their human owners, he must obey him, but if the robot is very Charismatic or has a high Charisma score, the human owner can be persuaded to do or allow many things and he may end up being the master in name only. A humanoid robot can be as pretty or as physically attractice as its manufacturer chooses to make him/her/it. Consumers will tend to buy attractive products, just as he will buy the attractive stylish looking car over the ugly looking hulk even if performance is the same. The robots we are concerned with here are technically androids, they may even be indistinguishable from humans by outward appearances. A scanner could tell the difference however, and their are plenty of robot detectors. The robots here aren't the clumsy tin cans or oafs that are the butt of humor in the Star Wars Universe. These robots are quite serious and not to be taken lightly. That's my proposal for Mileu 0, if that terms means a unique author generated Traveller setting.