Originally posted by George Boyett:
Good Morning!
Nice and cold November morning, beautiful fall foliage, and a GOP win in the Mid-Term Elections!
(Sorry, just had to place that one in )
And a grand mornin cool, and crisp it is. The rain has ceased...and yes, the GOP returns!
Enough Politics tho...
So what is your take on the MJD's latest posting, O Wise and Heretical One? [/QUOTE]
An outline, backed by the publications of the Phoenix series of novels he has planned.
The T-20 Bunch, and MJD in particular are ususally tight-lipped. But as I sustain, IF a groundswell arises for it, they will be forthcoming.
As previously mentioned by MJD, the RC-Regency contact is a distant Scout thingy-not a meshing of borders in 1206.
It stands to reason that the Ziru Sirka, who conquered the Imperium at TL-10, later at 11 finished it up, would stand as a PE with designs of their own, and survive into the TNE. Their politics aside vs Regency over Depot/MT/Rebellion era, no doubt left hard memories of 'co-operation" with Norris' heirs. Plausible.
Also plausible they would go for the throne to set their flag there first.
This in turn sets the anthill of the Black Imperium lose on all of the surviving states (including the Usdiki Faction!!!), and culminates with the "Black-Curtain War"/Grand Alliance.
And just when you think its all said and done with Capital being re-taken..they lose it to the outside force of the Dominate (Trailing threat-see also some very Jihad minded K'Kree (kill the humans-they brought about VIRUS-all must die! Cleanse the Stars of their kind!).
The K'Kree as well as Vland, went very far on TL-10 & TL-11, and thus will recover from the collapse, and return--with fury.
The Last Stand at GateWay Sector is a deja vu of Lords of Thunder/ Ley sector K'Kree incusion late in the Rebellion era.
The 4th Imperium arises as the major state, and the RC becomes the Free Leagues State..I imagine, also the Spinward Coalition & Deneb remain states as well.
Lots of regions remain in Wilds.
All of it works fer me.
Of the Hierate?? What of the Aslan? The BTC Hierate forces survived intact allied with the Regency...we shall see what unfolds there.
Heretical,and wise? Surely an oxymoron if ever was.
BTW: the Peacemakers are that rare strain of AI-Virus debuted in "Vampire Fleets". One of them betrays the Insane God-Strains running Promise, and is actucally (surprise) the brains behind the human resistance on the planet.
The RC's acceptance of these AI's as Sophonts gives rise to the hostile reaction of the Regency vs. them in 1206 (that, and No Imperial Nobility! Run by--gasp, the people!Oh MY!-shock!-AlanB the middle class arises!)hahaha.
Still, its a brief, but grand, stirring sweep of the turbulent times of the first half of the 1200's (post collapse).
HAts off/ tipped to MJD.