I don;t think that I understand what education is in an environment of prior history.
The way I understand the edu stat, it is a mix of general knowledge and actual education.
Given that is the case, shouldn't everyone who leaves school at 14 have a penalty against it. The bulk of your education arrives in the late high school period and that is what they are missing out on.
In fact, wouldn't you just give everyone a "base" education (say 6) and they get bonuses based on how long they stay in school.
If you want to add a "general knowledge" component to it, an extra d6 is probably reasonable. (so everyone starts with 5+1D6 - then gets plus 3 for staying in school till 18, more if they go on to university)
If, instead Education is heavily based on general knowledge, why do high tech homeworlds get an advantage. Surely there isn;t a suggestion that people from high tech environments pick up general facts more easily than low tech people.
Basically, I trust that the game has been well worked out, I just don;t understand it. WOuld someone please enlighten my ignorance.
The way I understand the edu stat, it is a mix of general knowledge and actual education.
Given that is the case, shouldn't everyone who leaves school at 14 have a penalty against it. The bulk of your education arrives in the late high school period and that is what they are missing out on.
In fact, wouldn't you just give everyone a "base" education (say 6) and they get bonuses based on how long they stay in school.
If you want to add a "general knowledge" component to it, an extra d6 is probably reasonable. (so everyone starts with 5+1D6 - then gets plus 3 for staying in school till 18, more if they go on to university)
If, instead Education is heavily based on general knowledge, why do high tech homeworlds get an advantage. Surely there isn;t a suggestion that people from high tech environments pick up general facts more easily than low tech people.
Basically, I trust that the game has been well worked out, I just don;t understand it. WOuld someone please enlighten my ignorance.