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What else do I need to purchase?

If I understand correctly, I would still need a "Basic" d20 book to make T20 useable. Is this correct? And if so, does it have to be the D&D Player's Handbook, or would the SWRPG suffice?
From what I've heard, technically any one core rulebook (or core rulebook I -- i.e., Player's Handbook) from Wizards of the Coast is fine.

Don't worry. Darth Vader wouldn't have to know, unless he sic his interrogation droid after you. Hehehe.
I'd suggect just getting the T20... If you are confused or can't wing all the details then get Player's Handbook. The team did a good job on T20, you should be able to figure it all out with just it.
I agree with Tarn, over 95% of what you need will be found in T20. The rest you can deduce with little difficulty--though it may speed things up if you are familiar with either the D&D 3E PH, the SWRPG, or the Wheel of Time RPG, or even the Everquest RPG (which is OGL only
). At a minimum, after having figured out where you need extra info to support your T20 playing, I'd just borrow a friend's D&D PH for a weekend and make a few notes

-Y., full of the
today :D
Originally posted by Yaskoydray:
I agree with Tarn, over 95% of what you need will be found in T20. The rest you can deduce with little difficulty--though it may speed things up if you are familiar with either the D&D 3E PH, the SWRPG, or the Wheel of Time RPG, or even the Everquest RPG (which is OGL only
I'm not sure how much help EverQuest would be. The experience table in there is way different and it uses a completely different system for feats and for stat creation. You're better off with something like D20 Call Of Cthulhu if you can't or won't buy the D&D Player's handbook.

I'm not sure how much help EverQuest would be.
True, the EQ RPG veers off on a few conventions... ;) I am not familiar with d20 CoC, but I heard it has smooth mechanics for PC generation... Which leads me to the upcoming d20 Modern (also from WotC, as is d20 CoC), I think their chapter on PC generation--which was recently widely released as a free promotional booklet
--has all the info on ability generation, XP progression (actually T20 has that), feats and ability increases for character levels that you'll need IIRC... I have a copy and IMO it's a nice complement to the T20 rules set! Maybe closer to what you may need than any fantasy d20 stuff... With some thought, it should help quite nicely to fill in where T20 couldn't--just make sure you use only those parts that apply :D (Unless you're Referee who like tweaking the rules--but that's another discussion! ;) )


PS: Most gaming stores received copies of the d20 Modern promo in the last week or so.

PPS: This link will take you to Shane Mclean's summarized notes regarding PC generation. Heck, I copied it for my use! :D
I found that the only parts needed from the SRD are:

The Basics
Ability Scores
Combat Basics
Combat Actions
Combat Modidfyers

These and knowing how to role initial character Abilities(I would post this one line here but I don't know if I can. Just read the line out of the D&D players hand book)
