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Wet Wench class scout ship


SOC-14 1K
Does this look OK? It seems like a nice PC ship, for detached scouts.

Cheapo deckplan

The Wet Wench class us a limited run scout vessel produced by Flying Skull Shipyards. It is a 100dton flattened spherical (“yo-yo shaped”) design, which extends the range of the S2 class to J3 for courier work in sparse regions of space. Cargo capacity is maintained by making more efficient use of crew space.

A vehicle can be parked on the cargo lift, and driven away to allow loading and unloading via the lift. Whilst in theory a 3 dton vehicle could be carried this way, this vehicle would have to be rather tall and 2 dtons is the likely limit in practice.

The crew area is 9m by 6m by 2m, i.e. 8 dtons, divided into a galley/wardroom and two cabins which each have twin bunks and a fresher. This area sits on top of the fuel tank for the ship’s power plant. The walkway between bridge and engineering is raised to match, with steps at each end, and the area under it provides stowage for consumables.

Since the crew operate the ship around the clock, there will not normally be more than one person in a cabin at a given time. Passengers not involved in operating the ship travel in the four low berths provided. The ships’ internal data network connects all cabins, the bridge, the galley and the engineering area to provide communications, information and entertainment on demand.

The outer rims of the hull are covered with transponder elements, which are mathematically combined into a synthetic spherical phased array active/passive radar system. Short-range sensors and comms are fitted to this standard model. A survey variant with better sensors and computer was designed but not built.

The class includes fuel scoops and a small non-standard fuel purifier. It can process tanks of unpurified liquid hydrogen or a continuous supply of water to produce 30 tons of purified jump fuel in 24 hours. The ship floats in water if required, although stability is poor in heavy seas.

This class mounts a triple turret in a belly bay, allowing the gunner to engage ground targets without risking the disorientation that can be caused by flying upside down. The beam laser is the primary ortillery weapon, although the sandcaster may be used as a canister weapon and tactical nuclear missiles provide the ultimate sanction. Sand and missile reloading is manual, from the locker on the bridge. All three weapons are of course relevant to space combat.

The IISS bought small numbers of the Wet Wench class for evaluation. They proved popular and successful, but were not adopted in volume since nobody at Flying Skull Shipyards went to school with the right inbred nobles. To maintain a supply and maintenance chain standardised on the S2, the IIS have placed the majority of Wet Wenches on detached duty. Thus, although they are a rare ship, they are relatively likely to be seen in the hands of detached scouts. It is said that any detached scout who finds himself in a Wet Wench has gotten lucky.

Design details:

Wet Wench - Type S Alternate Class Scout/Courier
Designed by: Flying Skull Shipyards

100-ton Hull (Flattened Sphere) - Streamlined
AC: 11 (9 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 100 Initiative: 1

Cost: 45.865 MCr (57.332 MCr without discount)
Annual Maintenance = 4.587 KCr (2.293 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 1.147 KCr/Month (11.466 KCr per year)

Model/2bis (PP: 38/9) Computer
Avionics: Less than 600-ton
Sensors: Short Range
Communications: Short Range

Cargo: 15.5-tons
Extra Ship's Stores: 32 person/weeks of Standard Stores

Power Plant: TL-11 Fusion (3 EP output, enough fuel for 5.33 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Non-standard Fuel Purification Plant (TL-11, 24 hours for 30 dtons)
Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3)
Acceleration: 2-G
Agility: 1
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph"

Triple Mixed Turret:
Missile Rack TL-11, +1 To Hit, 1d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km
Sandcaster TL-11, +2 AC
Beam Laser TL-11, +1 To Hit, 1d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
1 dton missile/sand cabinet for 20 units

Ship's Vehicles:
1x 3-ton vehicle hangar

Accomodations & Fittings:
2x Double Occupancy Stateroom (4 People)
4x Low Berth (4 People)
1x Airlock

You are 'da Man'. What else can I say about such diligent generosity? BTW: I check you story hour almost daily. Thanks.
I like the saucer design. Good work. I have been trying to figure out how to make the Jump and Manuvering drives into ring affairs and it takes a bit of math and work. But I see your sidestepping the issue works just fine.

I am curious as to the name, and what are the names of other vessles in this class. The Soggy Strumpet? the Damp Damsel?
I play in a regular Neverwinter Nights (computerised D&D) group. The first module we played started at an inn called "The Wet Wench" -- we heard a scream from upstairs and the armed guys in the bar (i.e. us) formed an impromptu party to investigate. Thus began the Company of the Wet Wench, who have since fought everything from rats in sewers to archfiends in the Abyss.

When I needed a class name for the ship, it just sort of sprang to mind.
Sorry for the delay, I missed your question.

As I recall height is 3m, diameter about 24m. Those 1 dton cargo containers occupy 1.5m * 3m floor space and they're 3m tall.