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Weapons of Charted Space Comments


SOC-14 1K
After using Weapons of Charter Space for a few weeks now, I did have one or two more comments.

1) Looking forward to the Military Guns: It would be nice if the magazine capacity of the various guns were included with the stats so you don't have to look up the figures in two places (stats on one page, magazine in text on another).

2) Spilled Milk: rules on how long (in game terms) it takes to reload black powder weapons and crossbows should have been included.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrSkull:
Spilled Milk: rules on how long (in game terms) it takes to reload black powder weapons and crossbows should have been included. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


CoughGRUPS Traveller alreadyCoughCoughhas all thatCoughCough...

Damn, too much popcorn at the movie... Can I have a sip of your soda?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phydaux:
CoughGRUPS Traveller alreadyCoughCoughhas all thatCoughCough...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cool! Yet another version of Traveller! GRUPS!

Or is that what you have when you use GRIP: The Traveller Edition to play GURPS Traveller online?


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Speaking of GRIP, how's the Traveller planet display recompile you were going to send me going? Been sending you e-mails but have not gotten a reply from you.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrSkull:
It would be nice if the magazine capacity of the various guns were included with the stats so you don't have to look up the figures in two places (stats on one page, magazine in text on another).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's the advantage of an electronic format, though. You can fairly easily copy it and customize it for your own use.

Or did they prevent* copying the text so that the electronic format has all the "advantages" of a print copy?

(*Read "make it unnecessarily difficult", since if you can read an electronic format, it is always possible copy it.)