I cannot find the rules for what a telescopic, electronic, and IR sights does for weapons. So far all I have found is that all the sights are fragile.. but other than that no effect. What page in the T20 Core Book are the rules on these accessories?
Second Question - The TA1 - Personal Weapon PDF - did it have any useful information for Weapons and Accessories that does not appear in the T20 Core Book? Does anyone know if the new printing of the TA1 Personal Weapons will have updates to the Core book?
Thank You
I cannot find the rules for what a telescopic, electronic, and IR sights does for weapons. So far all I have found is that all the sights are fragile.. but other than that no effect. What page in the T20 Core Book are the rules on these accessories?
Second Question - The TA1 - Personal Weapon PDF - did it have any useful information for Weapons and Accessories that does not appear in the T20 Core Book? Does anyone know if the new printing of the TA1 Personal Weapons will have updates to the Core book?
Thank You