Not very dangerous or exciting but I recall using it as window dressing for a campaign some time ago.
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Hirjai High Desert Waterseeker
In the deserts of the Planet Hirjai the Waterseekers ply the desert looking for water and eating the moss that supply their nutrition. Protected from Hirjai's harsh sunlight by a plume with the abrasive qualities of fiberglass, the Waterseeker sports large leather ears giving it acute hearing. Its ears close it up into a ball to protect it from the sandstorms and the cold night.
Hirjai Waterseeker
5D/2D Hits
Wounds 1D-1 tail or claws
2D+2 groups
Locally prized for its tough hide and unusual tail plumage.
The Glorious Republic of Hirjai
C6516C2-9 poor, non-industrial, non-agricultural
Atmospheric pressure 5.6 psi respirator needed for most non-native humans.
Image here
Hirjai High Desert Waterseeker
In the deserts of the Planet Hirjai the Waterseekers ply the desert looking for water and eating the moss that supply their nutrition. Protected from Hirjai's harsh sunlight by a plume with the abrasive qualities of fiberglass, the Waterseeker sports large leather ears giving it acute hearing. Its ears close it up into a ball to protect it from the sandstorms and the cold night.
Hirjai Waterseeker
5D/2D Hits
Wounds 1D-1 tail or claws
2D+2 groups
Locally prized for its tough hide and unusual tail plumage.
The Glorious Republic of Hirjai
C6516C2-9 poor, non-industrial, non-agricultural
Atmospheric pressure 5.6 psi respirator needed for most non-native humans.