Cool ... but expensive.
There's also the "log out for a week" during jumps factor.
The most expensive piece of equipment, I believe, would be the omnidirectional treadmill. You know how that works? There are two kinds, one kind the more expensive kind is a treadmill of treadmills, there are a bunch of X-treadmills stitched together, into a loop called the Y-treadmill. Each treadmill works like a standard linear treadmill, there is a continuous belt, wheels, and and electric motor to spin the belt around. The X-treadmills are stitched together side by side to form a continuous Y-belt that loops around at a right angle to the motion of the X-Belts, in this way as you stand on the treadmill while wearing the trackers, the omnidirectional treadmill will run in the opposite direction from the direction you are walking or running in to keep you centered on top of the treadmill, this is the more expensive kind because of all the electric motors and belts involved, this is likely to run you a few thousand dollars.
There is a cheaper version of the omnidirectional treadmill, this involves a shallow metal bowl and a pair of tracking shoes with nearly directionless soles that you walk in, this treadmill isn't and actual treadmill, you walk and slide your Feats on the surface of the metal bowl, and it tracks your foot movements, and it takes a little practise to learn to walk this way and stay on your feet, but since it doesn't have moving parts except for your feet, this is the cheaper kind, that will probably run you about $500. The other gear is the head mounted VR goggles, the haptic force feedback gloves, and that is pretty much all you need to control your avatar, it's a good way to get some exercise as well.
As for what you do during the long jump periods, the answer is whatever you want. Your characters can get stuff done while they are in jump space, you can use the various rooms of your ship as meeting rooms to plan out your actions when you arrive. Naturally you aren't going to spend all your time playing the game, so you can fast forward the parts where there is not much happening. My guess is this would be limited to small groups with the computer controlling the opponents with AI software running the NPCs of course.