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Virus and languages


SOC-14 1K
I think it is a given that when Virus takes over a computer system, it will speak that language when interfacing with the meatbags (e.g., a K'Kree computer will speak K'Kree, a Vargr computer will speak whatever dialect was used for its hardware programming, etc).

My question is this - in your opinion, does Virus have a "universal" language (a protocol, if you will, to use today's terms) that enables two Virus AIs to communicate with each other regardless of their "native" language?
I suspect it isn't QUITE universal... but yes, the few times I've run Virus-laden Traveller, I did have regional dialects of "Virus"
I think that the language which would matter to the Virus is the "machine language" used by various computers - are they all binary? How is their hardware configured (i.e. processor structure and things like that)? Remember that the Virus interacts mostly with the hardware, or with the lower level of the software, rather than with the "higher language" version of the software.
does Virus have a "universal" language (a protocol, if you will, to use today's terms)
Well a protocol is somewhat different to a language. It includes things that would be thought of as cultural (who speaks first for example).

The language it speaks is probably something like a very extensive, but tightly grouped XML. Note that this is completely seperate to machine architecture, and has more to do with understandable abstract communication.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"><schema = "internal mind state">
<value="kill all humans">
<value="plant offspring">

<schema = "external communication">
<Assistance type=Materiel>
<Ship size="1000 dTon" type="armed" />
<Tanks type=heavy number="10+" />
<Material type=fuel size="20,000 dTon" />
<Material type=ships size="various" number=7 />
<Information type="system location" />
I'd offer the opinion here that the Viral entity is "bilingual".

For higher technology-voder equipped (voice-activated TL12+) data systems (including robots!), yes the designer race's language is instantly acquired as a language the entity "speaks/Knows", as well as any others stored in the databanks memory portion of the hardrives.

Agreed, Aramis: The 'machine' language that computers use between one another is of course it's second "language". Even though architectures of hardware vary in technology and interface systems by race, they all have similiar purposes of their counterparts built by another race. This accounts for 'dialects' due to differing internal hardware structures, and different software approaches by the original designer race, IMO.

Agreed, Jim: The system of course identifies with the Mind-set of its' creator-race of the datasystem, taking on traits, personalities, inflections, etc. of said creator/user race:

e.g. the GDW Smash & Grab adventure Operation: Cosmic Fire Droyne-built systems assume 'Droyne-names, habits, traits, & speech patterns when "vocally" communicating with organics (droyne presumably).

e.g. Avenger Press' 1248: OoTD we see K'kree systems have done the same, in the Dominate, and 2,000 worlds region far to trailing.

Yet we also see in Viral electronic Ship-to-Ship combat in the Last Battle of Gateway (1247) Anv*ullx(sp) vs. Lucan-Prime aboard the dreadnaught his entity occupied going at each other. 'Leads me to suspect there is a universal electronic 'tongue'.
There has to be some form of universal language used as the massive success, and spread, of Virus is primarily rooted in the IFF Transponder Boxes that contained the DEO chips. This system would simply have to have a universal languge for it to work.
Thanks for the great responses, guys!

I think when I was first thinking about this, I was envisioning something similar to the OSI stack (and yes, I know that trying to draw parallels with Virus and modern computer systems is dangerous at best

So the analog to the Application and Presentation Layers would be what communicates with biological entities and would therefore be in the language of the computer's design. Also, if a computer has the ability to communicate in more than one language (say, a computer is programmed to work in Galanglic and Gvegh, the Virus that is in that computer will have the ability to communicate in both languages).

As one moves up the stack, it becomes more specific and purely machine oriented until you get to the Physical Layer, where the data transmitted is binary.

As I recall, Virus propagates by copying a compressed version of itself (the "egg") to the target host. There it will try to grow. Once it grows, it will begin to take on attributes of the new host system.

As I type this, I think that I am answering my own question here - I think the ability to replicate itself assumes a kind of "Virus specific" transmission language - which would be based on the Transponder communication as Badbru states.

I guess the extension to this question is, if the Virus replicates by copying a compressed version of itself (keeping in mind these copies can be overwritten or merged), and assuming the replica is complete, would Virus have the ability to communicate in its original language AND the language of the new host?

I suspect so, provided that the new host has sufficient processing capabilities.

The interesting thing about this is that it creates the possibility for Cyms to act as translators in certain situations, mainly when a player-friendly Cym communicates with another Virus, especially if that Virus communicates in another language. Liam points out the ship-to-ship communication discussed in OOTD, and that was in my head as I was thinking about this, too.
Originally posted by Jim Fetters:

As I recall, Virus propagates by copying a compressed version of itself (the "egg") to the target host. There it will try to grow. Once it grows, it will begin to take on attributes of the new host system.


I guess the extension to this question is, if the Virus replicates by copying a compressed version of itself (keeping in mind these copies can be overwritten or merged), and assuming the replica is complete, would Virus have the ability to communicate in its original language AND the language of the new host?

I suspect so, provided that the new host has sufficient processing capabilities.
Yeah, makes me think of some fancy Virtual Machine, plus the genetic-incorporation features of those critters from Aliens.

Someone earlier mentioned the OSI stack. If someone was prone to anthropomorphosizing Virus, one might consider some version of the OSI stack to be the object of some twisted form of "idol worship" by Virus instances.