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Vehicle Designs PDF posted


SOC-14 1K
Staff member
Admin Award
I've just posted a new PDF for all you vehicle and starship designers out there.


The VehicleLayout.pdf is a 160KB four page PDF document.

Page 1: The Vehicle data sheet and vehicle design spreadsheet, which looks just like the one page complete design sheets in the T20 book, but blank for your vehicle designs. For all vehicles.

Page 2: The Ship data sheet and ship design spreadsheets, which looks just like the one page design sheets in the T20 book, but blank for your ship designs. For all starship and spaceships.

Page 3: A landscape four up layout of the vehicle data sheets. Put the data for four vehicles on one page, or print them out on cardstock, apply paper cutter and have your vehicles on 3x5 cards.

Page 4: Similar to page 3 except using the Ship Data sheets.

Comments welcome, feedback wanted, flames to /dev/null.
Looks pretty sweet at a glance, now I can go print some out and play with the design chapters, thanks!

Well OK one minor nitpick

The last line/box of final cost Cr (Cr discounted) might be better carried down to it's own line just below the subtotal line/boxes for the discounted final cost. Leave the line/box for the subtotal cost in that line, with a line/box for the EP subtotal. I'd suggest in the header line box for the cost replace the "Cost" heading with a space or two (for printing a K or M if needed) and head it with a "Cr". Just a suggestion mind, thanks again, with stars on top!
Lo Thomas Jones-Low aka tjoneslo ,

Thank-you very much for the forms, which is one item less that I have to figure out how to create. One thing I noticed that is missing from the forms from the book is an entry line for the Fligh Avionics computer/system. I thought I saw a post on the Errata thread, but have not been able to find the post.

Again, thanks for the forms.
Originally posted by Thomas Rux:

Thank-you very much for the forms, which is one item less that I have to figure out how to create. One thing I noticed that is missing from the forms from the book is an entry line for the Fligh Avionics computer/system. I thought I saw a post on the Errata thread, but have not been able to find the post.
Page 2, spreadsheet, the flight avionics is simply labeled "Avionics". In the TAS form, the Avionics rating can be entered in the blank line under Comm Rating. It's missing from the TAS form because either you have the proper Avionics computer for the ship (and it can fly) or it doesn't and is grounded.