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USP description...


SOC-14 1K
Hey, Guys,

Is it my imagination, or have I just missed the place in the THB where the USP is actually given and described. I'm familiar with the stat cards, but the USP codes (such as hull configuration/shape) aren't recorded there. I'm sure that they are referring to the High Guard USP, since the systems are so similar, but does anyone know on what page the THB describes the Universal Ship Profile (USP)? Or should I just use the format in High Guard?

Thanks in advance,
Yea, I had the same question. As far as I know, there is no listing of the USP in T20 since the USP is not critical to the use of the designs under the T20 rules.
Hmmm...I'd be tempted to post this one over to the "Eratta" thread, as I consider this an oversight.
Various sections, like weapons and hull, describe USP. IIRC, the only code that seems to have real significance is weapons:

It determines the attack bonus.
Indicates the number of damage dice.
Sets the Area of Effect for a weapon.
Armor constantly refers to it. I am working on an Excel ship build worksheet (modified to relfect the minor tech changes to my universe) and it constantly refers to the USP code for the ship. This is really annoying. So I've effectively set the max value to .5% of total hull size. Any thought to that?