Like the skills, T20M uses 89 feats from D20 Modern and D20 Future as a base list, making as few additions and modifications as necessary. The largest change is replacing 21 feats with a single skill focus feat, which makes the list a little more manageable.
T20M allows using the feats from D&D, for the low tech approach to handling things: Deflect Arrows, Diehard, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Improved Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Shield bash, Improved Sunder, Manyshot, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Ride By Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple weapon proficiency, Snatch Arrows, Spirited Charge, Tower Shield Proficient, Trample, Two-Weapon Defense, Weapon Specialization.
T20M adds the following feats: Assassin, Connections, Hostile Environment Operations, Sniper, Skill Focus, Vehicle Operations,
From T20, the following feats have been changed or modified.
Changed Feats: Ambidexterity (See Two Weapon fighting), Brawling (see Brawl, Combat Martial Arts), Credit Line (See Windfall), Enhanced Immune system (See Ultra Immune system), Grapple Defense (see), Improved Unarmed Strike (see Combat Martial Arts), Improved Zero-G or Low Gravity Adaptation (See Zero-G Training), Mounted Accuracy (See Drive By Attack), Ride By Attack (See Drive By Attack), Run (See Run), Surgery (See Surgery), Toughness (see Toughness), Tracker (See Track, Urban Tracking), Two Weapon Fighting (See same), Two gun kid (See Improved Two Weapon fighting), Vessel (See Aircraft operation, surface vehicle operation, starship operation), Weapon Proficiency (See XXX weapon Proficiency), Xeno-Medicine (See Xenomedic), Zero-G Adaptation (see Zero-g Training).
Removed Feats: Ambidexterity, Armorer, Crewmember, Dumb Luck, First Aid (See JOT), Fleet Tactics, Heavy Metal, Martial Training, Naval Architect, Savage Fighting, Ship Tactics
Changed Feats
Vehicle Operation (Type).
This feat replaces the Aircraft operation and Surface vehicle operation from D20M and Starship Operation (from D20F), and the Vessel feat from T20.
Pick one type of vehicle to operate: general purpose ground vehicles, general purpose aircraft, heavy aircraft, helicopters, jet fighters, heavy wheeled vehicles, power boats, ships, tracked, mecha, spaceship (ultralight, light, medium, heavy, ultraheavy). T20 adds grav vehicle, submarine craft and hovercraft
Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on Drive or Pilot checks made to operate a vehicle that falls under any of these classes, and to attacks made with vehicle weapons. There is no penalty when you operate a general-purpose surface vehicle.
New Feats
Melee attack a flat footed opponent at -4 for an automatic critical hit.
Get a +4 circumstance bonus to Gather Information from a specific group of people.
Hostile Environment Operations (Type)
Character gains a +2 bonus for operating in a given hostile environment. You must select an environment at the time the feat is selected: Vacuum, underwater, hostile atmosphere, radiation.
Range attack a flat footed opponent at -4 for an automatic critical hit
Skill Focus
This feat allows the character a skill focus bonus to of +2 to two skills, or a +3 skill focus bonus to one skill. This feat may be taken multiple times, but the skill focus bonus granted for each skill does not stack.
T20M allows using the feats from D&D, for the low tech approach to handling things: Deflect Arrows, Diehard, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Improved Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Shield bash, Improved Sunder, Manyshot, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Ride By Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple weapon proficiency, Snatch Arrows, Spirited Charge, Tower Shield Proficient, Trample, Two-Weapon Defense, Weapon Specialization.
T20M adds the following feats: Assassin, Connections, Hostile Environment Operations, Sniper, Skill Focus, Vehicle Operations,
From T20, the following feats have been changed or modified.
Changed Feats: Ambidexterity (See Two Weapon fighting), Brawling (see Brawl, Combat Martial Arts), Credit Line (See Windfall), Enhanced Immune system (See Ultra Immune system), Grapple Defense (see), Improved Unarmed Strike (see Combat Martial Arts), Improved Zero-G or Low Gravity Adaptation (See Zero-G Training), Mounted Accuracy (See Drive By Attack), Ride By Attack (See Drive By Attack), Run (See Run), Surgery (See Surgery), Toughness (see Toughness), Tracker (See Track, Urban Tracking), Two Weapon Fighting (See same), Two gun kid (See Improved Two Weapon fighting), Vessel (See Aircraft operation, surface vehicle operation, starship operation), Weapon Proficiency (See XXX weapon Proficiency), Xeno-Medicine (See Xenomedic), Zero-G Adaptation (see Zero-g Training).
Removed Feats: Ambidexterity, Armorer, Crewmember, Dumb Luck, First Aid (See JOT), Fleet Tactics, Heavy Metal, Martial Training, Naval Architect, Savage Fighting, Ship Tactics
Changed Feats
Vehicle Operation (Type).
This feat replaces the Aircraft operation and Surface vehicle operation from D20M and Starship Operation (from D20F), and the Vessel feat from T20.
Pick one type of vehicle to operate: general purpose ground vehicles, general purpose aircraft, heavy aircraft, helicopters, jet fighters, heavy wheeled vehicles, power boats, ships, tracked, mecha, spaceship (ultralight, light, medium, heavy, ultraheavy). T20 adds grav vehicle, submarine craft and hovercraft
Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on Drive or Pilot checks made to operate a vehicle that falls under any of these classes, and to attacks made with vehicle weapons. There is no penalty when you operate a general-purpose surface vehicle.
New Feats
Melee attack a flat footed opponent at -4 for an automatic critical hit.
Get a +4 circumstance bonus to Gather Information from a specific group of people.
Hostile Environment Operations (Type)
Character gains a +2 bonus for operating in a given hostile environment. You must select an environment at the time the feat is selected: Vacuum, underwater, hostile atmosphere, radiation.
Range attack a flat footed opponent at -4 for an automatic critical hit
Skill Focus
This feat allows the character a skill focus bonus to of +2 to two skills, or a +3 skill focus bonus to one skill. This feat may be taken multiple times, but the skill focus bonus granted for each skill does not stack.