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University Experience Points


Peer of the Realm
The section in THB on graduating from University shows 3000 experience points for Bachelors, and 1500 experience points for graduating from Masters and Doctorate programs. However, the Prior History Worksheet shows 4000 xp, and 2000 xp instead. I assume the book is right and the sheet is wrong.

Is this correct?
I'm pretty sure this question came up before and that the answer then was that the book rules.

I've been using the book numbers for all my players and NPC's
The book rules, aye, but the PC Chargen sheet is ALSO in the THB. I went with the section written fer the Universities, btw. but it could be confusing.

On a related topic, based in RL- here's a topic brought by me gamers last night: what about correspondence course college credits during the term?
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
On a related topic, based in RL- here's a topic brought by me gamers last night: what about correspondence course college credits during the term?
I'd say these are included in the experience normally earned during a term -- if you're taking correspondence courses, this takes away from the time you could be using for on-the-job training or socializing. I suppose you could multiclass into Academic if you want to.
I received one of my pre-orders friday! Still no news on my second book though, strange I would have thought both would be in the same package... Probably on its way, maybe it was held up at the border or something? I don't have my Email about the purchase anymore but credit card invoice amount is for 2 books, had to check when I saw only one book arrived.

So I gave it as a birthday present to my friend, I haven't even looked at a copy yet! I just can't wait to receive the second pre-order, the guy I gave the book to has been calling all weekend "informing" me on how cool the book is!

Maybe I should have kept this first copy for me? ;p