If you were the defense planner for a small pocket empire and had intelligence that a much larger neighboring empire like the Imperium was going to invade you in 6 months, what unconventional methods of naval warfare would you use to try to save your empire?
Your intelligence also informs you that -
1. The goal of the invader is complete conquest.
2. If you can destroy 2 or 3 major assets within 1 month after the invasion begins (a base, 10k+ ships) the enemy gov't will deem the cost too high and withdraw.
3. If you can prolong the war for an additional 6 months beyond the 1.5 year conquest timetable the enemy will withdraw.
The more unconventional the ideas, the better!
Your intelligence also informs you that -
1. The goal of the invader is complete conquest.
2. If you can destroy 2 or 3 major assets within 1 month after the invasion begins (a base, 10k+ ships) the enemy gov't will deem the cost too high and withdraw.
3. If you can prolong the war for an additional 6 months beyond the 1.5 year conquest timetable the enemy will withdraw.
The more unconventional the ideas, the better!