• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

UK - Wycombe Area.

Sorry Shane, I'm in Peterborough. Close enough for an occasional game, but a bit too far for anything regular.

Good luck though.

Will you be at Dragonmeet?


Hi Dave,

Peterborough? To think, I chose Wycombe over Peterborough to move to!! If I'd have known there were Traveller players in Peterborough...

Of course, the reason I chose Wycombe was it is further away from Boston, and having grown up there I really do't want to be too near anymore...

As for Dragonmeet, I will be there baring the end of the world. I have already begged and scraped to get permission to go from the boss (read: wife), and I'm all set. You going?

Take care,

It would have been a bit of a culture shock for you coming to Peterborough. We don't play TNE any more (my players prefer classic, although they're OK with T20 now).

I've never been to Boston, but if it's like Sleaford and Spalding I can understand why you needed to get away.

I'll certainly be at Dragonmeet, even though it is right in the middle of the Christmas shopping season. I'm running a classic Trav game for some of the guys on the London Travellers list (there's space if you're interested...).

If I'm not at the BITS stand, or one of their gaming tables, you will almost certainly find me at Leisure Games. I'll look forward to meeting you and putting a face to a name.


I look forward to meeting you at Dragonmeet, also. I like to put voices and faces to people I converse with on line. The internet is sadly lacking in the human factor sometimes...

Thanks for the invite to play in the Traveller game, but I might be working a stall that day. If I'm not and you have a space, I'd love to join in.

And Boston does indeed rank whith Spalding ont he depression stakes!

Take care,


I'll see you at Dragonmeet then.

Which stand are you working on?

Boston like Spalding? My God! The horror of it all. ;)

