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Type-S conversons for CT

I'v bean thinking that the oh so hummble Type-S 100 Ton Scout/Courier must be the most nurmous craft in charted space. the IISS give them away like party favours, major (and not so major) corporasions have got quite a few on hand for use by opritives, their near umbigous nature would attract all kinds of not so ligitmate buyers as would the price (MCr 27.63 new or 15-18 used).

So I'v bean woundering has anyone else come up with varents (besides the Type-J Seaker) for use by verous types of adventurers and Travellers
Type-H 100 Ton Huntter class

100 Ton Streamlined hull

J-Drive A Jump 2
M-Drive A Acc 2G
P-Plant A
Computer 1 Biz

Fule 40t
Cargo 3t
Option Space 4 Tons
Subcraft: Air/Raft
Armerment: 1 Dubble turrent and 1 ton fire controll

Requiered Crue: 1
Accommodations: 2 Staterooms (standard)
1 Brig (standard)

Cost: MCr 27.13 new with no options
MCr 15-18 used or ex-scout converson (includes most basic options)

Options: Brig 4t Cr500,000, Meat Locker 4t 400,000, Mulity ID Transponder 500,000

Brig: A scurer space for the transport of live prisoners in single or dubble oucpancy, the walls are bulkhead strength and internal fittings can be discribed as sparse at best. most brigs fitted on smaller starships can be quickly be re-furnished even apling fulse wall panals so normal pasangers would not know ythat their room normaly houses the scum of the uinerverse.

Meat Locker: A scurer space containing 8 cold sleap chambers for the transport of prisoners in suspended anamasion, exelant for the transport of low value bountys where posable expiry on rout to hand off is not a major issue.

The Type-H is used by bounty hunters and law enforsment for the capture and transport of crimnals and prisoners through out charted space the umbigunesnes of the Type-S on witch it is baced alows opperaters to travele with-out attracting notice from potanchal quray or bounty jumpers, also the chommanness of its bace type alowes the opperaters to mix freely with a number of sub-clutures.
Here's one for transporting a mercenary platoon on the cheap:

Type-ST 100 Ton Scout/Transport class

100 Ton Streamlined hull

J-Drive: A Jump 2

M-Drive: A 2G maneuver

P-Plant: A

Computer 1 Bis

Fuel: 40t

Cargo: 11t (or 3t + G-carrier)

Weapons: 1 Triple turrent and 1 ton fire control

Requiered Crew: 2 pilot and gunner/medic

Accommodations: 1 Stateroom + 8 emergency low berths for 32 troops
^ Sigg, I've moved whole strike teams in Sulies. I think they're the best for covert ops; small, common place, and cheap. Even converted one over for tactical ground support.
Hmm, S3 insertion.

Type-SR 100 Ton Scout/Raider class

100 Ton Streamlined hull

J-Drive: A Jump 2

M-Drive: A 2G maneuver

P-Plant: A

Computer 1 Bis

Fuel: 40t

Cargo: 7t

Weapons: 1 Triple turrent and 1 ton fire control

Requiered Crew: 2 - pilot/engineer and gunner/medic

Accommodations: 1 Stateroom + 8 low berths

Special: 1 ready room for personal orbital reentry kits (4 tons), the air/raft bay looks the best for this.
And then there's the "whitevanman" class single operator merchant:

Type-SR 100 Ton Scout/Merchant class (delivery van would be closer ;) )

100 Ton Streamlined hull

J-Drive: A Jump 2

M-Drive: A 2G maneuver

P-Plant: A

Computer 1 Bis

Fuel: 40t

Cargo: 19t

Weapons: 1 Double turrent and 1 ton fire control

Requiered Crew: 1 - pilot/engineer

Accommodations: 1 Stateroom
I once came up against a 100T "jump fighter" baced on the type-s i dont know the stats but it must have had at least a B manuver drive as it chased us down at 4g's and was packing a barbette never did get the stats from the GM must try and re-do them for privite use, and maby to post.
Field Lab Ship: add one lab (6Td) in cargo spacce. Or add 2...
Does the "whitevanman" conversion require the pilot to possess no understanding of the rules of the spacelanes and have one finger permanently raised.
well in my opinion they would have to have a passing fimiluarty with them or how could they purpoualy brake them at every opptuinity and prove to be the single gratest hazzard to astrogasion in recorded history.
Originally posted by Spiderfish:
Does the "whitevanman" conversion require the pilot to possess no understanding of the rules of the spacelanes and have one finger permanently raised.
Whilst operating the ship, eating a sandwitch, and using a portable comms unit with the other...
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
And "clean me" written in the dirt on the rear hatch.
That would be too funny to see that on someone's pic of the old Type S.
It's that level of attention to details that gives things flavor.

If someone ever does that, please post the link for us to share in the view.

And if the script is Vilani, so much the better... ;)

Thanks for the laugh,
I like this Thread..reminds me of an old JOKE!!!...hope i dont piss any one off by reapting it!... There was an Irishman applyimg for a job in the U.S. The person doing the interview asked him what he had experience in, he answered... I was a tail gunner in a Bread Truck
in Belfast!!! :eek:
Or, how bout this...bumper sticker, hows my driving---call -1-800 eat Sh** !!

Or this bumper sticker --- I brake for HOOKERS

Or this one - My Sons in the Army !!!

Man, we could realy dress up an old Type-S !!

Or painted across the Rear -- JUST MARRIED !!! POOR GUY!!! or girl or what ever?? :eek: :eek: