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Type-J 1000-ton Assault Transport


SOC-14 5K
Book 2 design. 1000 tons. Jump-4, 2 G. 440 tons fuel. 40 staterooms. Model/4. 10 hardpoints (2 double pulse laser turrets). 2 ship's boats, 2 G-Carriers. 16 tons cargo. Unstreamlined. 12 crew. 465.2 MCr, 27 months.

The Type-J Beachfront Ruiner-class transport is a platoon-level transport which carries rapid strike forces for raids. These are uncommon, but occasionally drop diversion units in larger assaults too. When these are on the move, they are accompanied by the Type-I Armed Cargo Ship.
Hmm. Given that it's an assault transport, you might want to consider swapping out a few of the pulse lasers for missles. This would give it improved stand-off fire support capability to assist with the landings.

Actually, these are specifically designed to be supported by the Type-K 1000-ton frigate, which has several missile launchers. So, in essence, the Type-J is only supposed to get the troops there.
Mwahahaha! Shades of the old "tank destroyer" doctrine.

For those not familiar with the history, at the time of WWII military thinkers didn't believe that the role of tanks was to engage other tanks. For that job, a host of specialist "tank destroyer" vehicles were created. Naturally, often the tank crews found themselves facing enemy tanks without any friendly TDs around...

Of course, there's nothing saying say that military planners of the far future won't fall into the same sorts of doctrinal fallacies.

"Of course, there's nothing saying say that military planners of the far future won't fall into the same sorts of doctrinal fallacies."

Hear, Hear!
Originally posted by jappel:
Hmm. Given that it's an assault transport, you might want to consider swapping out a few of the pulse lasers for missles. This would give it improved stand-off fire support capability to assist with the landings.

I'd add a couple of turrets armed with VRF Gauss Guns (or similar) as well.

Regards PLST
Adding vehicle scale, or man portable, weapons to CT ship designs is something of a gray area.

It would be great if the weapons from Mercenary could be included in the CT ship design system.
It was done in a campaign I played in some time ago (in a galaxy far far away!). The GM produced a ship that was equipped with a point defence system, which from memory was VRF gauss based.

Surely its just a question of allocating volume from STRIKER design to HIGH GUARD (or BOOK 2) tons based on 13.5 cu m per starhip ton.

If the STRIKER weapon is an energy weapon then 250MW per EP. Electrically driven gattling guns etc probably don't comsume enough power to make the difference to starship performance. As for targetting systems just what do you think all that displacement and power in a CT starship computer is for anyway!!

Drop turrets in corridors were another regular feature in our campaigns. These were deployed during security alerts and droppped from the ceiling, where they had been heretofor concealed, and deployed ALIENS type sentry guns (effectively gauss rifles) automatically targetting movement. IFF made them a little more useable, but our version seemed to be a little unstable, and some had laser weapons in place of slug throwers.

BTW the character who discovered the point defence system bacame a red smeer on the tarmac. Walking into the killing zone wasn't the most scientific way of establishing the presence of a point defence system!