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Traveller's aide #3 ?

It's said that it was in development for some time now, hopefully it will be soon. It would be nice to have some advance notice of a date, something besides "soon."
I'm the author and I don't know. It's been through final editing. I'm guessing they're trying to finish the art work and doing layout. Depending on how much art the T20 artists already have (vs. needing to draw new) the art process could take a few days to months. The layout process can take a couple of weeks as well.
I've been trying to get some answers to this question as well. I'm kind of concerned, and here's why...

Under the terms of the Traveller's Aide subscription, the subscription expires after you have either downloaded the number of issues that you bought or, and here's the kicker, at the end of a number of months that equals twice the number of issues that you purchased.

So, the question is, if my 6-issue subscription runs out in 12 months, but fewer than 6 issues have been released at that time, do I get a refund or an extension?

RPGRealms, on the Traveller's Aide subscription page (http://www.travellerrpg.com/eLibrary/subscribe.html) says, "A new Traveller's Aide PDF will be released every 1 to 2 months."

If they aren't going to be bound to that, do they then expect us to be bound by the subscription time limit? I thought we bought subscriptions based on issues taken, not on time elapsed. Again, I quote from the subscription page, "Subscriptions are by issues taken, rather than monthly or semi-monthly."

What gives?
Originally posted by Ellros:
TA3 is in layout (we were told last night. Thanks Bruce!). Should be out in a few weeks.
And we should see it "Verra soon!". Bruce did tease us with an entry from it. We await the arrival of TA-3 with crunchy thoughts... :D
Originally posted by COIU1138:
I've been trying to get some answers to this question as well. I'm kind of concerned, and here's why...

Under the terms of the Traveller's Aide subscription, the subscription expires after you have either downloaded the number of issues that you bought or, and here's the kicker, at the end of a number of months that equals twice the number of issues that you purchased.

So, the question is, if my 6-issue subscription runs out in 12 months, but fewer than 6 issues have been released at that time, do I get a refund or an extension?

RPGRealms, on the Traveller's Aide subscription page (http://www.travellerrpg.com/eLibrary/subscribe.html) says, "A new Traveller's Aide PDF will be released every 1 to 2 months."

If they aren't going to be bound to that, do they then expect us to be bound by the subscription time limit? I thought we bought subscriptions based on issues taken, not on time elapsed. Again, I quote from the subscription page, "Subscriptions are by issues taken, rather than monthly or semi-monthly."

What gives?
We're now up to 5.5 months between issues. As a 12-issue subscriber, I'm feeling somewhat disappointed. It would be nice to at least get an official answer to the "time limit" question...
Yep. It's been almost 6 months since a Traveller's Aide was made available. I've been exchanging e-mail with Rose and Hunter, and the following is the most recent reply from the latter sent to me on November 20 (today is December 18):

"TA3 is currently in layout and should release in the next week or two after which the other issues should once again move to a monthly release schedule. I do apologize for the delay."

I've about reached the point that I want a refund. There's been no acknowledgement of the problem on the Traveller web site, and so far, RPGRealms has broken every promised deadline.

Has anyone else heard news on this? Am I missing some key piece of information? What's the deal?

Originally posted by COTIU1138:
Yep. It's been almost 6 months since a Traveller's Aide was made available. I've been exchanging e-mail with Rose and Hunter, and the following is the most recent reply from the latter sent to me on November 20 (today is December 18):
"TA3 is currently in layout and should release in the next week or two after which the other issues should once again move to a monthly release schedule. I do apologize for the delay."
I've about reached the point that I want a refund. There's been no acknowledgement of the problem on the Traveller web site, and so far, RPGRealms has broken every promised deadline.
Has anyone else heard news on this? Am I missing some key piece of information? What's the deal?
Thanks for the update. Too bad it couldn't come from an official source.
Time to contact the better business bureau, I think.
TA 3 and 4 are in layout right now; we have 5-6 in draft form.

The Gateway Book isd in its final stages, and the Players Book and Starfall Cluster Book are well advanced.
Yay! If I recall correctly, those of us that preordered the THB were offered TA3 as some form of compensation for delivery delays, etc. Does that offer still stand? Either way, I'm looking forward to getting TA3 when it comes out.

BTW, Player's Book? Is that simply culling out the design sequences, world generation and other Referee sections from the THB, and producing a book that's specific to just what the players need to play and enjoy the game? Or is it something else?

Inquiring Gamers Want To Know,
Maybe it's just me...

You get an announcement that #3 is "in layout and should be released in a one or two weeks" in mid-November. Fine.

You then get ANOTHER announcement that #3 is *still* in layout at the end of Decemeber (that's *five* weeks after the previous announcment).

I know a bit about printing. Layout does *not* take FIVE weeks unless people are late with art or lazy.

Come on, guys. You should have the format down from the first couple. Drop the text in, position the art, and wow! a PDF.

It's not even like you have to wait for proofs or anything from a physical print run.

And not announcing delays? That's just bad business. The *worst* thing you can do is not be upfront with people who've *already* forked over money for something. They, at the very least, deserve some word of what's going on.

Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello Fax,

Do you know how many people are on the staff?

Do you know how many other projects are being juggled at the same time?

Do you know if anyone on staff went on holiday/vacation?

Do you know if there are other events that have occurred to slow the process down?

If you know the answers to any of the above well and good, if not do not indicate that the on item mentioned as to when a product comes out or not is the ONLY problem being encountered.

Yes, it would be nice to have more information, but there may be other items/events preventing the staff from being more forthcoming.

One final question:

Have you always been perfect in announcing delays in projects assigned to you in your job?
I'll take them in order:

  • No, I don't know how many people are on staff.</font>
  • No, I don't know how many other projects are being worked on.</font>
  • No, I don't know if any of the staff went on holiday or vacation or got sick.</font>
  • No, I don't know if other events have occurred to cause delays.</font>
  • Yes, actually. I try to let supervisors and client know when something is going to take longer than I originally anticipated. These people are paying me money to do a job; they have a right to be informed as to when I expect it to finish, my progress on the job, and should delays occur, the reasons for the delays and a new schedule. That's called 'professionalism.'</font>
Now that I've answered your questions, I'll discuss them a bit.
I don't actually *need* to know any of the information you asked (number of staff, problems with the staff, number of projects being worked on, etc.). It's not my responsibility to manage QLI's time.

If they are swamped, either due to taking on too many projects, or lack of staff, or unforeseen events, that's perfectly acceptable. I'm not asking them to be superhuman.

They've announced a schedule. This is not particularly meaningful; I'm well aware of the variety of things than can cause a delay in the production process.

However, they've *taken money from people* based on that schedule. This markedly increases their responsibility, at least toward those people who have actually ponied up the cash. The rest of us have much less room to complain. To the subscribers, however, QLI needs to be upfront and honest. And, from a good customer relations point of view, it would be nice if they'd just announce it to everyone.

I have absolutely no problem with things taking longer. I actually wish people *would* take longer with many products; the glut of craptastic d20 products makes it that much harder to find the gems.

What I expect from a well-run company, however, is timely information about the status of their products. If you're going to have to revise the schedule for some reason, say 'we're going to have to revise the schedule.' You don't have to necessarily provide reasons, though again it's nice.

But don't say 'it will be out in a few weeks' for *months*. All that gets you is a group of customers with a bad taste in their mouth and wariness about committing money to the company. That wariness is a killer.

I would have happily subscribed to the TA series. I do have some peeves with the scope and content of the issues, but nothing that would have kept me from them.

After reading this thread, however, I have grave doubts. Why would I pay QLI for a product that (apparently) they can't provide on the schedule they've set *for themselves*.

You're quite right--I have no inside information about conditions in the company. So what can I go on? Public statements such as those on their website and in forums such as this. And the impression that I'm left with is that QLI has possibly bitten off more than they can chew.

The end result is that I take a wait and see attitude toward things like the TA series. I'll buy the first issue, since it's gaming content. But I'm not going to subscribe until I'm reasonably confident that issues will be forthcoming on a regular schedule.

Look. I like Traveller. I'm starting a campaign in it. I'm willing to work around the problems with the system. But that's no reason for me to not question things like the release schedule. I've put my money where my mouth is. I've paid for the rulebook; I'll be purchasing the TA issues that interest me; I'll purchase the Gateway sourcebook when it comes out. Why? Because I like d20, I like Traveller, and I'd like to see the company succeed.

But constantly slipping release schedules combined with limited communication with the public makes me very wary.

Could there be things preventing them from communicating the situation inside the company? Perhaps. But I doubt it. The time it takes to write:

"Sorry, folks. We're a bit swamped here, and we're going to have to revise the release schedule. Here's the new release schedule: <insert new schedule here; it's what, about a dozen products, maybe?> We'll try and keep you updated as to the status of these products, and if we have to slip the schedule again, we'll let you know. TA Subscribers: your subscriptions will be extended for <x> to account for the schedule slippage. Again, we're sorry for the delays."

Let's add say 10 minutes to generate and insert the revised schedule. Total time to produce that kind of update: 11 minutes. Hardly a immense block of time, wouldn't you say?

Anyway. I ramble.
Originally posted by Fax:
However, they've *taken money from people* based on that schedule. This markedly increases their responsibility, at least toward those people who have actually ponied up the cash. The rest of us have much less room to complain. To the subscribers, however, QLI needs to be upfront and honest. And, from a good customer relations point of view, it would be nice if they'd just announce it to everyone.
But don't say 'it will be out in a few weeks' for *months*. All that gets you is a group of customers with a bad taste in their mouth and wariness about committing money to the company. That wariness is a killer.
That rather sums up my feelings. I subscribed for 12 issues of the TA series, unread. Six months of "out soon". No one with time to post a short note to TA subscribers, or reply to inquiry emails.
QLI has had the use of my money for quite a while now. As a customer who's already paid, I expect either timely service or timely announcements of delays.
I was told by Hunter that TA 4 should be out next week, I hope that's encouraging. So, I'm assuming that TA3 should be too. I wholeheartedly agree that an official public update is long overdue.
We seem to have a serious art/layout bottleneck right now, which we're trying to resolve. So far as I know, everything is proceeding as quickly as possible, but the demands of TA 3 and 4 and the screen and whatever other stuff Bryan is working on are causing issues.

Meanwhile, we're doing all we can to get back on schedule.
Hi, Thomas. Do you work for RPGRealms? You seem to be quite defensive concerning this issue. I know that these questions weren't directed to me, but I am taking the liberty to offer some answers that may help you understand why people are beginning to become irritated:

Do you know how many people are on the staff?
Absolutely not. I don't know how many people are on the staff, but I am well aware of what that staff, however large or small, promised. This staff of indeterminate size has failed to deliver what they promised for around six months now. Of this I am sure.

Do you know how many other projects are being juggled at the same time?
I don't know how many projects are being juggled at the same time. Again, I do know what was promised, and I am not concerned with how many projects the staff is juggling. Had the staff been managed effectively, unkeepable promises would not be an issue. There is obviously a problem with the company's ability to determine what they're going to release and from that, to arrive at a realistic release schedule.

Do you know if anyone on staff went on holiday/vacation?
Once again, I can't say with any authority what the staff's schedule is. I'm sure that someone did go on holiday or vacation. I'm sure that they took time off for July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's, all of which have come and gone since the last release.

Do you know if there are other events that have occurred to slow the process down?
Another question to which I cannot possibly have an answer. I cannot have an answer because RPGRealms has made absolutely no acknowledgement of the problem. They have failed to address the issue on their website, and the only responses that I have seen promise that the product will be released in another week or two. RPGRealms has consistently broken these promises, so I have very little faith in anything that they say. I will believe the release date when I see the product available for download.

If you know the answers to any of the above well and good, if not do not indicate that the on item mentioned as to when a product comes out or not is the ONLY problem being encountered.
I don't know what this means.

One final question:

Have you always been perfect in announcing delays in projects assigned to you in your job?
As a software developer, I can assure you that my life is ruled by deadlines. I must also confess that our company has, more often than we would like to admit, missed delivery dates by several days, and sometimes, several weeks.

However, I can tell you that we keep our clients informed of the situation. It is terrible business to not deliver something that you promised, particularly if payment for that something has already been made, and simply not say anything.

I can also tell you with a great deal of authority that when a client is treated in such a manner by vendors, they start firing those vendors.

With those answers in mind, I have asked for a refund for the issues that I haven't taken. I made the request on December 18, and have not as yet received so much as an acknowledgement that the request was received.

I don't know what your relation with RPGRealms is, or why you seem bothered by customers' concern that they have not been given what they have paid for, but surely you can see that there has been a trend of increasingly egregious release delays. I also have to think that you understand that broken promises are bad.

I am a patient person, but even my fuse has almost reached its end. I have to admire you for your patience concerning this matter, patience and faith that remain unwavering in order for you to make such a sharp and decisive reply.

I would close with a question for you:

Will you please send me some money? I promise I'll send you something really cool in a couple of weeks.

Hello COTIU1138 and a good afternoon to all,

First, I do not work for RPGRealms and my only connection is having purchased the 12 month subscription to TA and T20 THB.

Next, my apologies for appearing defensive about the customers' complaints and my apparent lack of understanding. However, comments like knowing a bit of how something is done, unfortunately pushed a button that caused my response. The problem with knowing how a task, a layout in this case, is basically done is very different from how someone else learned the basics and how that individaul does the same task. I am sure that I would modify the basic steps in a page layout process from how Fax, you, or anyone else would do them.

Again, my humble apologies for over reacting to a serious breach of customer/consumer trust.

In response to the following:

"Will you please send me some money? I promise I'll send you something really cool in a couple of weeks." from COTIU1138.

Unfortunately all my fun money has been spent on the TA subscription and an ebay auction item that I won back in Oct 2002. The ebay item still has not arrived and the seller has been only slightly better in communicating with me on the matter than on RPGRealms.

I appear to have deleted my original post when I went back to review the bloody thing. My mouse began acting weird when I trying clicking my browsers back button. I had to click Edit Post to get back to the main board. Actually, the removal of the post was probably for the best, since I over reacted in a negative manner. Again my apologies for going off the deep end.