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As of Today, Travellermini.org has raised nearly $900 in starting capital and donations. The response, in less than one week, has been absolutely monumental. Thank you to EVERYONE who has donated their time, energy and artistic abilities to this project.

I'll be honest, I thought this would work, but I didn't think it would work this well. In fact, I'm a little overwhelmed by the response. I'm working to develop better means of communicating with everyone right now, so please bear with me if I'm a little slow getting to your emails.

With the help of the folks over at www.theminiaturespage.com and www.star-ranger.com, we've been able to get the word out about the project, and that's lead us to some sculptors willing to help out.

At this point, we have four sculptors working on character lines. As others have pointed out here on www.travellerrpg.com, there are a good number of miscellaneous figures available to represent humans and even some Vargr.

To that end, we have focused these sculptors on the Droyne, Hivers, K'Kree and Aslan. Each is working on between 6-8 figures for one particular race. We're splitting these figures up so that we do about 50% military, 25% technicians and 25% nobles/businesscreatures, etc. We expect to see the first greens of this line in about 30-45 days.

Its my hope to do a second release of character figures in the future, consisting of Zho, Imperial Marines, Naval officers, and ships crew, but we'll just have to see what comes of all of this.

A number of people have brought up valid concerns about fairness. If someone buys into this venture with $1.00, can they buy 500 miniatures? After a lot of thought, and seeing what was happening from the perspective of the donators, what we've decided to do is limit the discount purchase of miniatures to 1 mini per $1 donated. That still works out to a pretty major savings, is fair for everyone involved, and allow the operation to move forward in the long run.

When I have additional information, I will pass it along!


Traveller Miniatures Project
dont think i have forgot you cause i aint!!!!...
i tried to look into my wallet and it BARKED at me!!!!...i think its HUNGRY!!!! :D
Just a plea here, I hope the minis are up to role play gaming standard (ral partha/reaper) not to a wargaming standard of detail and finish. My second plea is they don't resemble GW cartoon minis or i-kore steroid monsters. High detail and realisticly proportioned figs would fit in with the scientific bent that Traveller has always had.

Lord Iron Wolf
One other thing came to mind while I was looking a the drawing on your site. For the spaceships I often see designs painted on. Would it be possible to have downloads of those designs, medallions and other things that are so hard to paint at that scale. I ask this because of the availability of inkjet printable decal sheets at hobby shops nowadays. It would be a value added feature for the people who buy your products and a good draw to keep people coming back to your website.

Originally posted by Lord Iron Wolf:
One other thing came to mind while I was looking a the drawing on your site. For the spaceships I often see designs painted on. Would it be possible to have downloads of those designs, medallions and other things that are so hard to paint at that scale. I ask this because of the availability of inkjet printable decal sheets at hobby shops nowadays. It would be a value added feature for the people who buy your products and a good draw to keep people coming back to your website.

We've discussed putting decal sheets into the packages. It would depend on the overall production costs, which are still being worked on by Brennan O'Brien.

Worst case, we can make high resolution decal images available for download on the website for those with capable inkjet printers.

- Ted
Originally posted by Lord Iron Wolf:
Just a plea here, I hope the minis are up to role play gaming standard (ral partha/reaper) not to a wargaming standard of detail and finish. My second plea is they don't resemble GW cartoon minis or i-kore steroid monsters. High detail and realisticly proportioned figs would fit in with the scientific bent that Traveller has always had.

Lord Iron Wolf
Well, that's certainly my hope as well.
I'm a role playing gamer primarily, so like you I'm looking for something we can use when we're gaming to, as my wife puts it, "hang our imagination on".
Originally posted by Lord Iron Wolf:
Just a plea here, I hope the minis are up to role play gaming standard (ral partha/reaper) not to a wargaming standard of detail and finish. My second plea is they don't resemble GW cartoon minis or i-kore steroid monsters. High detail and realisticly proportioned figs would fit in with the scientific bent that Traveller has always had.

Lord Iron Wolf
As mainly a miniature wargamer, I can't say that I don't appreciate well scupted miniatures. However, what urks me is the lack of any "hard sci fi" minis on the market designed for either the wargaming or rpg market in mind. I-Kore is OK, but I find that it borrows to much from the GW school of miniature design with their themed armies and out-of-proportion figures. Reaper produces a line of excellent generic fantasy miniatures used by mainly RPGers, and they promise to come out with a comparible sci-fi line... someday.

Here's hoping that the Traveller line meets the challenge.
Originally posted by tlindsey:
We've discussed putting decal sheets into the packages. It would depend on the overall production costs, which are still being worked on by Brennan O'Brien.

Worst case, we can make high resolution decal images available for download on the website for those with capable inkjet printers.

- Ted
May I suggest you contact Tom at Tango Papa Decals? While he mostly deals with us in the rocketry hobby, I bet he'd be willing to do some SF minature decals too. If the decals are small enough, he could probably stuff quite a few onto a single page, which would then minimize the per-mini cost.

Tango Papa Decals
