When I was with a gaming group that knew I was an anime otaku with a CD collection of anime soundtracks, they figured out that letting me DJ the campaign's BGMs to meet the current situation and circumstances of what our characters were dealing with turned into something that everyone enjoyed.
Since I was a Player in the campaign, rather than the Game Master, I had no control over setting up scenarios or deciding how events were going to play out ... but after a few game sessions it became kind of obvious that my background music choices were DEFINITELY having an effect on the direction of play and just how pumped up and in character EVERYONE would get! Since most of my anime CDs were imports from Japan and I couldn't read the kana/kanji yet at the time on the labels, I just "knew the tracks" by number and would put them on single track repeat until changing tracks when the situation unfolding in the game changed.
Needless to say, everyone in that group also started learning which track numbers on which CDs made for the best situational background music for recurring circumstances.
So any time I pulled out New Super Android Cutey Honey Music Collection Volume 2 to put into the CD player and announced "
Track 11" everyone knew it was time to
It got to the point where both the Players and GM got conditioned so thoroughly that instead of announcing they wanted to get ready for a fight, they'd just turn to me and say "
Track 11"... and I'd drop it into the CD player and suddenly we were all in the mood to rumble!
Yay for Pavlovian Reactions!
You know you're having an impact when the GM stops telling everyone "roll for initiative" and instead just turned to me and said "Track 11" ... and everyone knew what it meant!
Then when it was time to actually fight or sometimes in the middle of a fight already in progress, I'd announce "
Track 17" and everyone would be totally stoked to start rolling dice. It's like everyone got their second wind and rallied.
If someone was trying to be stealthy or sneaky, I'd announce "
Track 14" ... and it would just put everyone into the right mood for some stealthy action.
I of course had other anime soundtrack CDs, but for some reason people really really liked the New Cutey Honey BGMs the most as background music for our campaign. For a really long time after playing with that group, just thinking "
Track 11" in my head was enough to get me in the mood to roll attack dice

... and it remains true even now all these years later.