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Traveller Mini-Movies update!


You Impys want some?!! You wanna piece of us?!! Dooya?!! Dooya?!!

<sob>Such a beautiful sight, to see my babies flying.....<sob> :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Oh my word!

That's fantastic!

I keep wanting to have a go at something like this but the work involved just makes me want to run and hide under a rug =)


Those are so freaking cool. I love it. Esp going into jump!

Thanks for making my day.
Looks very good!
No reason to drop the bits just because you ran out of music! Just add music, or even have a "silent movie" version.
"No reason to drop the bits just because you ran out of music! Just add music, or even have a "silent movie" version."

Ah, but that means I'd have to do more work...
I liked the Striker one, but it seems to beg for some infantry action too (how do the Aces get to the flagpole bit? Infantry?). To show how much I liked it, I watched it twice!

That bit of SolConNav propaganda is well done, but is basically empty
of meaning. We all know that the Imperial Navy is better!
"I liked the Striker one, but it seems to beg for some infantry action"

That was the bit I dropped!

"That bit of SolConNav propaganda is well done, but is basically empty of meaning."

It's an advert! You were expecting Citizen Kane?
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
"No reason to drop the bits just because you ran out of music! Just add music, or even have a "silent movie" version."

Ah, but that means I'd have to do more work...
It's not work, it's ART!
Originally posted by Jim Fetters:

How long did it take you (in hours) to put this together?
I have no idea. I'm almost afraid to find out!

Hmm. Let's say an hour for each version of a scene/model I've saved to disk...

106 hours, spread over the last 15 months.

At minimum wage, that's $1012 you guys owe me :)
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
"I liked the Striker one, but it seems to beg for some infantry action"

That was the bit I dropped!

"That bit of SolConNav propaganda is well done, but is basically empty of meaning."

It's an advert! You were expecting Citizen Kane?
For the Striker one: you should have kept it, but it's your art.

And the advert? I'm just voicing the opinion of a loyal Imperial Citizen...