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Traveller Library Data site now open


SOC-14 1K
Dear Folks -

After much promising, it is my pleasure to announce that my Traveller Library Data site is back up and running, thanks primarily to Joel "MegaTraveller" Callahan for providing a new home when the old one grew too small.

The fact that it has been greatly enhanced is thanks to all of the people who have given me their permissions and good wishes. To this point they include:

  • Marc W. Miller (duh!)</font>
  • William H. Keith, Jr.</font>
  • Paul Jaquays</font>
  • Elizabeth Danforth</font>
  • Bryan Gibson</font>
  • Timothy Bradstreet</font>
  • Lars "Ancient Site" Adler"</font>
  • John Lambert</font>
  • Jesse DeGraff</font>
  • Clifford Linehan</font>
  • P-O "BeRKA" Bergstedt</font>
(I'm still looking to contact Paul Schirf and Christopher Griffen.)

This is a public "thank you" to all involved! I hope that my fellow Travellers on CotI like the site, and enjoy how I have enhanced it with artwork and other material.

Note that each image has an acknowledgement that appears when you hover over it. For more details, click on the "Copyright" notice at the foot of any page for a list of all the people I have thanked. For those I could, I have included a link to their website.

To reach the site, you can either go to Joel's MegaTraveller site and click "beowulf":

or go here for a full-screen view:

For those interested in stats here's a few:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Item Type Number of Items Size
Header pages 7 40.8KB
Alphabetic Entries 460 1.03MB
Index pages 54 240KB
Pictures 222 3.48MB
Scripts 1 2KB
Stylesheets 2 5KB

TOTAL 746 4.81MB</pre>[/QUOTE]BTW, I'm still working my way through the S-Z entries, and I haven't yet scanned in all the covers, so there's still a bit to do... ("Hie ho, hie ho, it's off to work we go..." ;)
Link immediately added to favourites.

Thanks for all the hard work Hyphen

Any chance of it appearing as a CD-ROM or pdf in the future?
Great work! I noticed some layout issues, feel free to contact me via private message if you're interested in discussing them. Also, maybe you can cadge some of the required images for the bibliography from the Traveller Bibliography site ...
Excellent stuff! Just what I've wanted for the last 20 years ...
Excellent. I've used it several times in the past, but it's looking better than ever. Let me know if you want to use any of my art.
Dear Andrew -

Thanks (to everyone) for the positive comments!

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Excellent. I've used it several times in the past, but it's looking better than ever. Let me know if you want to use any of my art.
I was tempted to ask to use it for the Starport page, since I wanted an overhead view of all the bays. However, when I realised my memory of your 'port was from your "A Quick Getaway" AVI - rather than from a still picture - I went with Glenn's. :(

However, I haven't finished enhancing the site, so I'll keep you in mind (thank you!)
Very cool and informative website, straight into my favs. Never used it before but I'm sure I will now. Thanks for such an awesome tool.
