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Traveller Hero!


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Comstar Games, publisher of the Avenger Enterprises line of Traveller products has licenced the Hero games system to produce Traveller products.

Yay! Another version of Traveller to buy!
Mmm. Never a big fan of the hero system and I can't help but feel that Traveller is becoming the opposite of a generic game. Single background, multiple rule systems.

Traveller, the ultimate in multi-ruleset roleplaying!
BR, I don't see the problem with having multiple rulesets so long as: a) they fit together in some way b) they add enjoyment to previously published products c) they build a multifaceted universe with more dimensions of play.
i'm running a travellerhero game right now..(TJ your invided if you want)...
we have a noble (our financier)
ships master
the ship's 'troop'..a vargr vetran with 'crowd issues'...
an Aslan adolesent appreneticed to the ship by her father to keep her out of a marriage to 'the fat mangy bastart', (one of her less 'gifted' sisters will do it..)
all on a 400t merchent jumping for Hefry...with assorted NCP's to round out the crew..

its fun playing off the character disads as adventure hooks
I've seen official and unofficial versions of Traveller for almost every game system with a lifetime of more than 1 year. Fudge, Risus, BESM, D&D, D20, Hero, World of Darkness, Paranoia, Call of Ctuthulu (Basic Roleplaying), GURPS... Wait, there is one. I've never see a Rifts/Traveller variant.
I think the basic roleplay sytem (runequest, CoC, stormbringer) would do good as a traveller mechanic..they did it as SCiFI with ring world and worlds of wonder (that conbined fantasy/supers/scifi in a multiverse game)...

**geez, did I just date myself or what?**
Yes, Grymlocke, you have just established you are at least as old-school as I am... I remember those being available new...

CoC is still available. EQ might be soon; I put Greg Stafford and Richard Pini in contact last year. They *might* just work that one out for re-release in e-book.... if people ask them to.
Deluxe BRP is in playtest and expected soon...
So is the new Mongoose version of RuneQuest ;)

And being OGL you can bet that there will be a sci-fi supplement produced before too long.
Promising... who is doing it? Greg hasn't mentioned it on the Pendragon list. (He has been busy of late with Great Pendragon Campaign.)
Originally posted by Grymlocke:
I think the basic roleplay sytem (runequest, CoC, stormbringer) would do good as a traveller mechanic..they did it as SCiFI with ring world and worlds of wonder (that conbined fantasy/supers/scifi in a multiverse game)...

**geez, did I just date myself or what?**
There is, of course, Cthulhu Rising right here;

An SF setting using the CoC BRP rules. I've not read it through myself but I've seen quite a few positive comments about it.
Originally posted by Aramis:
Promising... who is doing it? Greg hasn't mentioned it on the Pendragon list. (He has been busy of late with Great Pendragon Campaign.)
Jason Durall is the lead I believe... I have some good threads from RPGNet if anyone is interested.

For DBRP that is...
The problem with Traveller Hero is that Hero, which I've played extensively and am a fan of, has issues with the mundane range. The game is calibrated for superhumans. The add-on mechanics to handle normals can be troublesome.
What about "cut above" sort of point buy setups, like Autoduel or such? I always found Hero to be pretty scalable to campaign power level. One of the best Champions games I ever played in was a lot like a "Top Secret" Semi-Super Spy campaign.

I also remember a magazine doing conversions to champs. for the X-men, and the power levels needed to be fudged to get the stats up to "normal" comic book levels. "Experience" and all that...
"Hero" level (ala Pulp or superspy) is still a better fit to the mechanics than straight normals, even "talented" ones.

I've played in "Traveller" games with super-human cyborgs, nanotech, high-level psionics, and two-mile-long starships. That isn't Traveller (or at least 3-I) to me, but Hero will address that level quite well. Getting Hero to do a good job handling the "three D's" (Darrians, Dandies, and Droyne) should illustrate that while the system *can* handle them all, it's a mismatch for all three in one game. Getting the hit location system (generally a necessity for normals games) to work for Dandies, or Githiaskio, or any number of other races, will require adjustment.
Originally posted by Aramis:
Promising... who is doing it? Greg hasn't mentioned it on the Pendragon list. (He has been busy of late with Great Pendragon Campaign.)
If you mean DBRP Greg Stafford likely wouldn't mention it because it's Chaosium not White Wolf/ArtHaus (Pendragon 5th) or Mongoose (the new Runequest) and he's not involved in it. OTOH he can get as busy as he wants to with Great Pendragon Campaign. 5th edition Pendragon is well done and that campaign book could be amazing. (looks like GPC's gone to press)

Deluxe BRP has been renamed, but I can't recall the new name at all, which isn't a good sign. Deluxe BRP summed up the product's goal, was easy to remember (if a tad bland), and was what it was known as for all the development threads on RPG.net. It’s a collation of all the range of Chaosium BRP rules but allowing for multiple genres, with a lot of bits marked optional. The core is based around Stormbringer 5th.

If you mean Mongoose's Runequest, Greg Stafford's involved in that and so is one of the Steve's, Perrin IIRC. A Second Age Glorantha sourcebook is planned to be one of the first supplements.


(hmmm uplifted waterfowl for Traveller?!?)
Well, the RQ looks to be a revision of the BRP based RQ3. I have RQ3... and Elfquest. Don't have the rest...
Originally posted by GypsyComet:
The problem with Traveller Hero is that Hero, which I've played extensively and am a fan of, has issues with the mundane range. The game is calibrated for superhumans. The add-on mechanics to handle normals can be troublesome.
I like hero too, and with FREd. they finally brought all the genre rule specific stuff together and cleaned it up..bravo

don't forget, hero might have trouble down-scaling to normal power levels, but I also find GURPS has problems the other way, up-scaling to do supers just didn't cut it with me....