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Traveller FAR FRONTIERS SECTOR manuscript.


SOC-14 5K
This item keeps popping up on eBay, does anyone know if this any good or does it simply repeat things from the Traveller Chronicle articles.
All I know is that it contains eight subsectors of the Far Frontiers sector, and some background data. It was done for FASA, but never published. I never found out if you get exclusive rights to it when you purchase it, but since it's come up more than once and I've seen bids on it, I'm assuming that the seller just keeps cranking out copies to sell.

I'd bid if they didn't start at ten bucks, but really, it's not worth that much to me.

Hope that helps,
Originally posted by Flynn:
All I know is that it contains eight subsectors of the Far Frontiers sector, and some background data. It was done for FASA, but never published.
The rimward half of the Far Frontiers were published in some magazine, then reprinted in The Traveller Chronicle. If this manuscript hasn't been published, then it must deal with the coreward half.

However, it may be the manuscript for the rimward half with the seller being unaware that it has been published. I suggest you e-mail him and ask. (Or see if you can get in contact with anyone who has already bought a copy).

That's what I figure but if anyone has actually handled it, I was really wondering the comparision with existing material, as I have the Traveller Chronicle stuff and found it not be very good. I had better expectations, perhaps, because I was influenced by work of the Keiths in that area.