Marc, Hunter:
I have a few questions about this new D20 Traveller.
Product Support:
After the core book is published, are you planning any support books?
Sector books?
Redoing books like Scouts or Merchant Prince for D20?
World Books?
Who might write these books? Internal people? previously published greats from the Traveller past? Anyone who shows up with a manuscript?
How much playtesting is in your plans for the Core (and possibly other) books?
What other kinds of support are you planning for this version of Traveller?
How much, if any are you planning on supporting the other existing, in (or out) of print versions of Traveller?
CT Conversions?
MT Conversions?
TNE Conversion?
T4/T5 Conversion?
GURPS Traveller Conversions?
How much of the non-D20 rules are you going to keep? From which version? And which are you going to update?
Universal World Profile? Trade Rules? Extended system Generation? Starship/vehicle construction rules? Starship combat rules?
Setting Support:
The domain you are using was originally licened to Judges Guild, decannonized then rebuild (partly) in Atlas of the Imperium. The internal data for these sectors was (IIRC) generated by DGP, who's randomizers has some problems.
Are you even going to publish the astrographic data?
Which version of the astrographic data are you using, one of these or are you generating all you own?
Are you going to make an effort to overcome some of the limitations of generating an entire domain by random?
From the material posted on the T20 site, I can see you have at least on minor human race plus one alien race planned for the area. How many more MHR and Aliens are planned?
How predominatly has the Astrography of the surrounding space been calculated into your plans?
For example, the K'Kree empire is not more than one sector beyond outer edge of the domain. And the Vargr, and the Hivers
And what about the pocket empires, some of which have been canonized?
Are you going to delibertly downplay the presence and role of the Aslan, Zhodani and Solomani because they are on the other side of the Imperium?
I have a few questions about this new D20 Traveller.
Product Support:
After the core book is published, are you planning any support books?
Sector books?
Redoing books like Scouts or Merchant Prince for D20?
World Books?
Who might write these books? Internal people? previously published greats from the Traveller past? Anyone who shows up with a manuscript?
How much playtesting is in your plans for the Core (and possibly other) books?
What other kinds of support are you planning for this version of Traveller?
How much, if any are you planning on supporting the other existing, in (or out) of print versions of Traveller?
CT Conversions?
MT Conversions?
TNE Conversion?
T4/T5 Conversion?
GURPS Traveller Conversions?
How much of the non-D20 rules are you going to keep? From which version? And which are you going to update?
Universal World Profile? Trade Rules? Extended system Generation? Starship/vehicle construction rules? Starship combat rules?
Setting Support:
The domain you are using was originally licened to Judges Guild, decannonized then rebuild (partly) in Atlas of the Imperium. The internal data for these sectors was (IIRC) generated by DGP, who's randomizers has some problems.
Are you even going to publish the astrographic data?
Which version of the astrographic data are you using, one of these or are you generating all you own?
Are you going to make an effort to overcome some of the limitations of generating an entire domain by random?
From the material posted on the T20 site, I can see you have at least on minor human race plus one alien race planned for the area. How many more MHR and Aliens are planned?
How predominatly has the Astrography of the surrounding space been calculated into your plans?
For example, the K'Kree empire is not more than one sector beyond outer edge of the domain. And the Vargr, and the Hivers
And what about the pocket empires, some of which have been canonized?
Are you going to delibertly downplay the presence and role of the Aslan, Zhodani and Solomani because they are on the other side of the Imperium?