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Traveller comics


The Shaman

In the "fractured fanbase" thread, Klaus suggested that one way for Traveller to reach a new audience would be through other media, specifically mentioning comic books. I've had that same thought for quite some time: a well-written and -penned graphic novel set in the Third Imperium could provide a strong introduction to the game and the setting, capturing both the look and feel of Traveller.

Right now we have Mark Harrison'sThe Travellers, but as much as I enjoy 'em, I think perhaps a less tongue-in-cheek approach might be helpful.

The other option is to be able to point at existing titles with a Traveller vibe. Unfortunately it's been many years since I visited a comic books store in earnest - the only title I'm reading currently is the excellent Kurt Busiek Conan series, and I wait until they are collected as a graphic novel - and I'm not at all familiar with current sci-fi titles. Is there a comic book out there right now that captures the feel of Traveller, one that could I could direct prospective players to read, or better yet actually put in their hands and say, "Traveller? It's like this. . ."?
I've had that same thought for quite some time: a well-written and -penned graphic novel set in the Third Imperium could provide a strong introduction to the game and the setting, capturing both the look and feel of Traveller.
literature? one often hears of traveller fans buying new materials just to "mine them for ideas" ....

how about anime?
Originally posted by Border Reiver:
Not yet but soon......
That saves me hunting about and PMing ;)

Resume Patience Mode... :D
Paul 'Sword Worlds' Drye and I seriously kicked this idea around a couple of years back but as usual, inspite of my initial enthusiasm I got totally distracted before we could produce anything worthwhile. :(
I'd still love to do it, I just need an extra 400 hours in each day.

What about say a page a week or every two weeks?

I've considered doing something like that as a perk for Moot members. Just haven't found someone that can get the job done.
I know a guy who may be interested. But you'd have to make it worth his while. I'll PM you his email address and ph#.
Depends on what worth his while amounts to ;)

I'd like to add something like this, but if that means paying standard rates for comic art, economically it isn't worth it for me to do.

Not saying that he or other artists aren't worth those rates, but economic reality triumphs (sadly).
Just so you know what one may look like... ;)

I posted these originally in this thread

Legal Notice: I make no claim to the individual images contained in this composition as my own, as they were the images sent to the players during our private game. I only claim the end result you see that is meant as a fan derived image for all to enjoy

*from my participation in Mal's Terra Incognita GRiP Campaign
Well, it's a little embarrasing but what the heck, it's been kicking around my imageshack for a while...


I was just goofing off with an online comic generator one day a couple years back
Originally posted by The Shaman:
... Is there a comic book out there right now that captures the feel of Traveller, one that could I could direct prospective players to read, or better yet actually put in their hands and say, "Traveller? It's like this. . ."?
Hell yeah! Christopher Moeller's Iron Empires universe. I met him at the San Diego ComicCon, where he mentioned the universe was inspired by Traveller.

• Iron Empires Volume 1: Faith Conquers
• Iron Empires Volume 2: Sheva's War

His website: http://users.adelphia.net/~moellerc/intro.html
Originally posted by hunter:
What about say a page a week or every two weeks?

I've considered doing something like that as a perk for Moot members. Just haven't found someone that can get the job done.
What would you be looking for? What's the job? A page a week or two, but what goes into the page?
The trick is finding a person (or two) who

a) can write
b) can draw
c) knows Traveller
d) can meet deadlines
e) is cheap
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
The trick is finding a person (or two) who

a) can write
b) can draw
c) knows Traveller
d) can meet deadlines
e) is cheap
I've got 3 out of 5

But I think, from what I've seen and heard, that you're forgetting one...

f) an ability to continue to come up with ideas
Originally posted by The Shaman:
Right now we have Mark Harrison'sThe Travellers, but as much as I enjoy 'em, I think perhaps a less tongue-in-cheek approach might be helpful.
Ooh, thanks very much for the link! I loved those stories back in White Dwarf; didn't know they were online.

As for your request: sadly I can't draw, and can't meet deadlines (unless I'm being paid well :D

Originally posted by bozzutoman:
Christopher Moeller's Iron Empires universe.
Thanks for the link. His work is fantastic!

I remember when Paul and I were talking about a comic, I planned to do it in the same style as 'The Red Star. - a combination of digitally coloured pencil lineart and CGI. We came up with a crew and a basic story outline (involving a sister ship of the Annic Nova) but as I say, my feeble attention span let us down.
Crow...you've got to get a grip! You have the attention span of a gnat! (like me!)... but because you're talented you're not allowed to have a short attention span.

Your drawing is wonderful....why don't you tease us with what you might do? Just one cartoon.....please?
