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SOC-14 1K
I'd like to get together with some Traveller types for a big day of gaming. Take Friday off of work to drive, game all day Saturday, then come back on Sunday. Maybe have some games on Friday evening for the early birds and some Sunday Morning for the hangers-on.

I'm thinking a mix of role playing and some ship combat on the side. Maybe a small Snapshot tournament or something. Anything-- as long as its Traveller.

I could go as far as Atlanta or even D.C. If you gave me a year's notice, I could do Seatle.

Anybody up for something like this?
That's a 13 hour drive... wah! I'd have to have at least as much time gaming as I spend driving to justify that! Maybe I'd fly it if airfare wasn't so bad....

Can we get referees that could commit to specific 4 hour slots to run games? It would be cool if the ref's coordinated so that the outcomes of the disparate games impacted later sessions so that it's all one big grand campaign....

I'd be willing to do the organizational stuff for a Power Projection (or something like that) tournament if there was interest-- and if it wouldn't conflict with the rpg's.
Our local FLGS is going to be organizing a monthly convention at the back of pub. If there are Toronto gamers (other than Skullcrusher), I will endeavour to launch a long awaited Traveller Campaign there.
There's a convention in Knoxville, TN for Jun 1-3 called AdventureCon. I'm planning on running some Traveller at the con. See if we can meet up for that if possible.
Jeffr0, I certainly like the idea on principle. As I said in an earlier thread, ideally the location would be somewhere in the middle between the coasts (I like attractive cities, so I'm partial to Chicago, plus it may get Marc out of the woodwork--he lives nearby, Bloomintion or Urbana, I forget.)

At a minimum, the location should have an airport...

Do we have a CotI member in Chicago, or somewhere else in the central US? And is s/he willing to step forward? :D
Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
There's a convention in Knoxville, TN for Jun 1-3 called AdventureCon. I'm planning on running some Traveller at the con. See if we can meet up for that if possible.
That's awful soon in "family" time. I'll talk it over with the commitee and see. Knoxville's much more doable than... uh... Boston, though.
Originally posted by Jeffr0:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
There's a convention in Knoxville, TN for Jun 1-3 called AdventureCon. I'm planning on running some Traveller at the con. See if we can meet up for that if possible.
That's awful soon in "family" time. I'll talk it over with the commitee and see. Knoxville's much more doable than... uh... Boston, though.
</font>[/QUOTE]No it isn't! After all, I can't get there!
Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
Oh? And do you propose to pay for my food and lodging?
Sorry, for that I'd recommend that you get a job. </font>[/QUOTE]Oh! I understand! You not only will pay for me to travel there, but also pay for my food and lodging and then get me a job too!!!
Originally posted by Jame:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
Oh? And do you propose to pay for my food and lodging?
Sorry, for that I'd recommend that you get a job. </font>[/QUOTE]Oh! I understand! You not only will pay for me to travel there, but also pay for my food and lodging and then get me a job too!!!
</font>[/QUOTE]OK, sure.

I've got a contract waiting for you to sign to make it all happen. No, you won't need a pen that requires ink...

Hmmmm........seems that Knoxville and chicago are both doable for me and if I had enough notice I'd commit to running a game...You folks given any thought to places like Atlanta....or Greenville S.C. (hotel prices are cheaper than Boston)
heheheh.....okay i am doing the math....

lebanon, ks is the center of the USA

the closest airport city is either wichita
or kansas city...wichita is about the same.



from seattle its 300$ RT + 2 nights hotel
from miami its 400$ RT + 2 nights hotel
from san deigo its 300$ RT + 2 nights hotel
from New York its 320$ RT + 2 night hotel..

+20-30$ to eat
+20-30 cab fare?

that should just about cover everyone
for distance right?

total 360-460$?

thats not too bad a price...if the hotel has
a conference room to play in.
I know Greenville well. That's good by me.

Also... I'm getting some indications that at least a couple additional folk besides my self are planning on maybe going to Knoxville June 1-3. If anyone's on the fence, it sounds like there'll be a nice company of Travellers there.