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Traveller apps for the Palm OS?

Hey, all. Anybody know of any Traveller apps written for the Palm OS, be they freeware, shareware, whatever? I do a lot of my Traveller campaign work on a Palm IIIxe and a Dana, and sure wouldn't mind picking up a few more pertinent apps besides the neato little dice roller program I have. Thanks in advance!

Have FGMP, will travel
Originally posted by Bill Coffin:
Hey, all. Anybody know of any Traveller apps written for the Palm OS, be they freeware, shareware, whatever? I do a lot of my Traveller campaign work on a Palm IIIxe and a Dana, and sure wouldn't mind picking up a few more pertinent apps besides the neato little dice roller program I have. Thanks in advance!

Have FGMP, will travel
Unfortunately, I haven`t been able to find some myself. And I`ve search for weeks. :(

There are barely more than dice rollers when you search RPG proggies for Palm...
There was a nice little Traveller character app for Palm a little while back. I think the person even made an attempt at converting it to T20. I liked it but it was trialware so after the trial I went to see if it had been updated and the small bugs fixed and it was gone. I mean the source site and even the links to it on other download sites. I figured someone didn't like the possible copyright infringement and issued a cease and desist. Pity as I was looking forward to everybody beaming die rolls and messages back and forth and updating all the character's at the end of the evening with a couple clicks of my infrared equipped laptop. Sigh, no 21st C. T20 yet I'm afraid.
well, if you like a challenge...
My copy of Galactic 2.4c came with the Basic source code...I'm sure Jim wouldn't mind if you dropped him a note and then ported it over to your Palm...I was thinking of doing the same thing for my Pocket PC, but I don't have any dough for a copy of Visual Basic that the SDK needs to be able to compile...
just a thought...