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Traveller and d20 Modern


I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with d20 Modern; here's an interview relating to it:
An Interview with Anthony Valterra on d20 Modern

Anyway, it would seem that T20 would be MUCH better suited to d20 Modern. There's a number of gaming companies out there that are already developing for d20 Modern.

Is T20 along that far in development that waiting for d20 Modern to be released would be a bad thing/economically non-feasible? I'm not trying to hack the work that's already been done (and I think that things like the dice-dropping rule for AR is cool), but other things like keeping AC increases for armour (just to be compatible with the current d20 ruleset) I find really detracts from the game.
Originally posted by Luthyr:
I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with d20 Modern; here's an interview relating to it:
An Interview with Anthony Valterra on d20 Modern

Anyway, it would seem that T20 would be MUCH better suited to d20 Modern. There's a number of gaming companies out there that are already developing for d20 Modern.

Is T20 along that far in development that waiting for d20 Modern to be released would be a bad thing/economically non-feasible? I'm not trying to hack the work that's already been done (and I think that things like the dice-dropping rule for AR is cool), but other things like keeping AC increases for armour (just to be compatible with the current d20 ruleset) I find really detracts from the game.
Much too far along I am afraid. d20 Modern is not scheduled for release until November at the earliest. T20 will be out next month, which is already considerably past the date we had hoped for. Heh, perhaps d20 Modern will see a few features incorporated from T20!

Just out of curiosity (I can't open the link for some reason)how does the d20 modern mechanic work for AC and damage?
Originally posted by NDS:
Just out of curiosity (I can't open the link for some reason)how does the d20 modern mechanic work for AC and damage?
(The d20reviews.com site is doing some revisions now and may be down - check back later.)

In d20 Modern, characters have Wound Points (equal to their Constitution score) and Vitality Points (which they gain every level). When a character is hit in combat, they reduce from Vitality Points first (representing rolling with the blow, dodging out of the way, getting behind cover), then Wound Points (which represents damaging body hits). The exception is when they take a critical hit, which then goes directly to Wound Points, bypassing Vitality Points completely. Taking wound point damage also causes you to make stun checks.

AC is replaced by Defense (like in Star Wars d20 Revised). You get Defense bonuses based on Class instead of equipment. Armour, instead of increasing your Defense acts as damage reduction when Wound Damage is taken. So for example, if you have WP/VP of 10/6 and armour of 2 and you take a hit that causes 10 damage, you would lose 6 vitality, 2 wounds (since the armour reduces 2 Wound Point damage) and you would have to make a stun check since you have taken wound damage.

Hope that helps...